Sunday, July 22, 2012 @ 3:40 PM | 0 Comments

Here I am, writing this post at 1 am in the morning immediately after I gave the whole album a listen. Okay gonna be honest. This mini-album, I didn't love it but I didn't hate it either. It was just..okay. I was totally in love with Fiction and Fact. It was those rare albums where I liked every song. This one though I kinda only liked about half the album.

When they released Midnight a week before, I was so excited and it didn't disappoint me! It was catchy and got me humming along to it after the first time listening to it. So I thought "Wow, if Midnight is already so good, does that mean that the mini-album would be amazing?!" Sadly, not really.

Beautiful Night is the title song for Midnight Sun. It was really different from Fiction. Beautiful Night is more of a dance party kinda song. It's fun! I was totally grooving to it the whole time and it was one of those song where you can easily memorise the tune after the first time. Still though, as a title's okay. I prefer Midnight.

Then we have It's Not Me, which in my opinion has a REALLY interesting start. I think my sister and I both agreed that it sounded a bit like a snake charmer's tune. It got a little better in the middle but I didn't really enjoy this song.

When I Miss You is a really nice ballad. Really chilled. Dongwoon gets to sing in the chorus *claps in glee*. I really liked the kinda rap-y singing after the chorus. I like this!

AND we have another song with a super funky start. The background tune for The Day You Rest made me imagine colourful bouncy balls bouncing around in a white room. I don't know why. Maybe you guys should give it a listen and tell me what you see in your mind while this was playing. Not really my thing either.

Dream Girl...I can't decide whether I like this yet. I loved the guitar at the beginning, it was quite interesting. It has a little of an R&B vibe? (Don't kill me if I got the genre wrong. I can't differentiate. That's why I seldom mention genres when I review songs. Sorry!) I'm still deciding for this but I think I'm leaning towards the good half of it.

I think the reason why I was dissapointed with this mini-album was because I really had my hopes high after Fiction and Fact. That album pretty much set the bar high since I totally LOVED Fiction and had it on replay for nearly 2 months (Explains the 600 over playcounts it got). It was even my caller ringtone at one point so you can tell how much I liked it. The rest of the songs in the album were also really nice and I liked all of them. So I kinda expected the same for this mini-album but I guess they were experimenting with different styles for this, which I think is not a bad thing cause some things get boring after awhile. It's not a bad mini-album, not at all. It's just..I didn't like it as much as I thought I would.

Rating: 3.7/5


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