Tuesday, July 3, 2012 @ 9:39 PM | 0 Comments

Having read various blogs for a few years now, as well as being an owner of a personal blog, creating a whole new blog seemed like a waste of time. What would I use the blog for? I'll just get double the amount of posts to complete at the end of the day, so why bother?

And then I realised that I enjoy writing reviews and rants about many of the acts in the korean entertainment scene, which often included other aspects such as music, drama, food, fashion and all sorts of other things that were related to the korean culture.

Having been a Shawol, Sone, QUEEN'S and a self proclaimed aff(x)tion (wtf SM, give us a name already) for a good 4 years now, I find myself facing new material almost everyday and it seems like it could possibly be endless, which resulted me into thinking, would it be a good idea to jot these things down? It seemed like a good idea, so I asked my friend Rachel to join me because she is afterall, my partner in crime in K-everything.

Rachel has explained where our blogger name came from, so I'll save you poor readers from reading it again. It's not easy to get me to like a specific group, so when I've identified myself as part of a fandom, it probably means I downright love everything they do (well, most of the time anyway). My taste in music might differ from most, but it's not entirely weird..well I think not at least.

Besides music, dramas are my saviour. Dramas enable me to step out of my life for a while and live in another person's shoes, which I personally think is quite thrilling--for a couple of hours at least. I often get told off for spending too much time for watching too many dramas, or watching episode after episode non stop, but I don't think it's my fault at all. It's addictive. Just like any other kind of substance that could be found out there that are unhealthy. Drugs, alcohol, smoking, just to name a few, yeah I might be fucking my eyes up, but at least my heart is still in a relatively good condition.

Korean cuisine is definitely not my forte, but I'm currently in the process of making it my forte, so prepare to be amused.

I thought long and hard about the title of this post. I had not even a single thing in mind on what to name my very first post, but I finally decided on "fireworks". Mainly because it describes K-everything just as how I see it. There's just that burst of emotion I get when I finish watching a newly released MV, or watch a live performance of my favourite group, or witness that very same group win (and own everyone else) their 3rd set of triple crowns.  Proud as a mother I tell you.

I hope people who enjoy K-everything will enjoy reading our blog, and I also hope that justlikebimbimbap will reach out to those that don't like it, because really, what is there to not like?!

I sign off with a quote from CL of 2NE1,

"You can still enjoy music without understanding a single word of it, because music is afterall, a universal language"




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