Thursday, July 26, 2012 @ 8:29 PM | 0 Comments

I don't think Tablo falls into the indie category but I don't really think he falls into the Kpop category either. Probably more on the Korean Hip Hop category. Before this album, I was never really into rap or hip hop. I just didn't really enjoy it so I never really delved into K hip hop.

So one day late last year I was minding my own business and I saw an article about his new album Fever's End so I thought "Hey let's give it a listen." and DUN DUN DUN instant loveeeeee! This album is so full of emotions because he wrote it during his hiatus when the whole Tajinyo controversy broke out (You can read about it here.). You must watch the video above where he talked about how the album was created and you will understand the meaning behind each song. So much feels. I love it even though all some of them are a little depressing (I FEED OFF PEOPLE'S DESPAIR MUAHAHAH no I'm just kidding) but at least it's not about those cheesy love shiz going on nowadays. I won't review all 10 songs in this album but I will talk about a few of my personal favourites and some that stood out more.

Airbag was the first song I heard and the moment the song started, I was in love. Naul's (from Brown Eyed Soul) voice is just so soothing. This song is about lonely people around the world, needing someone or something to fall into (eg. an airbag) when they feel lonely and depressed. These are all what I got from the translated version of the lyrics since I can only understand a little Korean so if I got the wrong idea, I am really sorry.

Tide is my favourite from the whole album. Like Tablo said, students like me (or us) relate most to it. The lyrics for this was just BAM on the dot, just what I am feeling. I really love this song. It's also my current caller ringtone (Joo Oh said it was creepy after she called me one day ahaaahhaha) hehe. But like I said again and again, I feel like I can really related to this song.

Home is..Wow. Lee Sora's voice is so hauntingly beautiful it's amazing. The lyrics for this was like the story of how he felt during the controversyand how he wanted people to leave his family alone, out of this whole thing.

Dear TV is the only English song in this album. Tablo said that this was his letter to the TV or I would say the media in general. I think the last sentence "Don't act like you know me cause you recognize me, you sell my records not me." to me felt like it was also referring to all the people who doubted his degree (again read about his controversy) but I might not be right.

Expired is like the Tide of Fever's End Part 2 for me. Not because I can relate to the lyrics (because it is about people reaching their peak fearing of falling after that and I am no where near successful) but the melody of the songs makes me feel the same way like Tide did. Possibly my favourite of Part 2 but Dear TV is also fighting for that spot.

Tomorrow is probably the one that sounds most mainstream? More like a kpop song but not exactly and it's not because Taeyang is in it. Not my favourite but it's still good.

Bad (ft Jinsil)

From the Bottom (ft Bumkey)


Thanks for Breathing (ft. Yankie, Bong Tae Gyu)

I wish you all who are reading this give this album a try even if you are not into hip hop or Korean songs in general and really try to read the lyrics (that's why I posted most of the vids with the translated lyrics on it hehe) because I think that it deserves more attention than it got.


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