Sunday, July 22, 2012 @ 4:20 PM | 0 Comments

I would just like to dedicate this post to my first ever bias in kpop history, Mr. Lee Taemin.

It was his birthday not too long ago, and although I thought of making a post to wish him, the lazy side of me took over, and I never got around to actually doing it. So, here is my short happy birthday post to him!

I first fell in love with the guy during SHINee's promotions of Lucifer. That was the big BAM BAM BAM HORMONES FLYING LEFT RIGHT CENTRE BOTTOM EVERYWHERE. yeah. It wasn't just the hair that caught my eye, it was his dancing skills, his forever charismatic stare into the audience, his strong moves. At first he didn't have enough lines during song promos, but I had faith in him. I knew he could sing after watching a fancam of an old concert where he covered for  Jonghyun's screamo/belting out high note bit. From then on, I fell in love with him. I didn't have to wait long for him to prove to everyone that he could sing too. He was casted for Immortal Song2, which if any of you don't know, a lot of very well established singers go on and compete with each other every week. He was amazing, absolutely amazing. I think the fact that he was promoted as a dancer, just made me love him  even more.

Ok, well enough of my long history of how I came to know this beautiful creature. I don't care that he's too skinny, I don't care that he's got a small frame, and I don't care that SME always gives him the weirdest, most ridiculous hairstyles ever. He's Taemin, and six pack or not, he'll always be my number one <3

Just saw it as one of those hot topics things. Apparently some people even left the fandom just because of this. Some people need a wake up call. geez.

Happy belated 19th birthday Taemin!


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