Tuesday, July 31, 2012 @ 4:25 PM | 0 Comments

I apologise too for not posting for almost a week! I don't really have an excuse though..haha. But today, I have a couple of things lined up for our super readers, so I hope you guys enjoy it!

While I was MIA-ing, I stumbled across a familiar but less known (to myself only, not the public) couple, and they are Yoon Mi Rae/Tasha Reid and Tiger JK (of Drunken Tiger). I've seen them around before, mainly Running Man and We Got Married where they were guesting in Khuntoria's section. I didn't think much of them, and I didn't really bother looking them up. I decided to look them up, and let me tell you, it was such a shame I didn't look them up before.

A brief history behind each of them:
Tiger JK was previously in a Hip Hop group called Drunken Tiger. As far as I know, back in those days, this group was pretty big in the Hip Hop scene as they were seen as the group that started the whole Korean hip hop. He suffers from a disorder called Transverse Myelitis, and if you click on the link, it'll lead you to a wiki page explaining what it is. I know wiki pages shouldn't be used, but hey, this is just a general outline. Point is, he has been living with an incurable disease for half his life, that may or may not have affected his career, but yet he still can go on. (pretty inspiring if you ask me..hehehe)

Yoon Mi Rae, also known as Tasha Reid is of African American and Korean descant. She grew up (both of them actually) in the US and suffered that whole racist thing going on at that time (well, even now I guess) Right now, she's my favourite female rapper, because no one has as much swag as Tasha. They also have a son together named Jordan who is SO CUTE I JUST WANT TO EAT HIM ALREADY. (He's also got a fro!)

Today's post will be mainly on Tasha because I've searched more of her songs up compared to Tiger JK/Drunken Tiger songs. The songs that I will be posting would be my ultimate favourites of course :) There are other albums I still have yet to go through, so please bare with me.

1. Get it in (ft. Smokey Robotic) (eng ver.)


2. Goodbye Sadness, Hello Happiness

Despite the cheesy title, I love the composition of this song. I'm a big sucker for slow songs, but give it a listen anyway! Tasha, I realised is one of those "double talent" people. She can sing and rap pretty well. It's very uncommon in my opinion to have a person be able to pull off both higher than a satisfactory level. (The only other person I know that can do both well is Ailee. Check her out doing a full cover of Beast's Rainy days if you haven't yet)

3. Because I love you (ft. Bobby Kim) (eng ver.)

This one is really mellow-ish and I think it's perfect for a day just chilling/relaxing. :) Nice harmonising as well!

4. Black Happiness

This one actually made me tear up. This song tells the story of the hardships she had to go through growing up as a mix of African American and Korean. Yeah, it's in korean, so that's why I searched up the lyrics. Here it is:

My skin was dark from my past
People used to point at me
Even at my mom Even at my dad who was black, and in the army
People whisper behind my back
Said this and said that
I always had tears in my eyes
Although I was young
I saw my mother's sadness

seemed like it was my fault
Because of my guilt
I washed my face everytime during the day
With my tears I melt the white soap
I always hated my dark skin
why O why
Does the world judge me
When I hate the world
I close my eyes

I put my soul into the music my father gave me
I feel the volume
And fly higher and higher
Far away
la musique

(When I hate the world)
(Music soothes me)
(you gotta hold on)
(and love yourself)
(When I hate the world)
(Music raises me up)
(so you gotta be strong)
(you gotta hold on)
(and love yourself)

Time passed and I was thirteen
My skin was dark brown
Music doesn't judge color
They give me light
I lead my music
We lean on eachother
I don't feel lonely
Then one day
I was given a chance
I held on to my microphone

And suddenly I was on stage
I say goodbye to music and ask it to come back
Then I became nineteen
I have to lie
I put white makeup over my face
They told me to wear a mask
They said my mom's race was okay
But not my dad's
Every year my age was nineteen
During times when time stopped

I felt like I was in jail
And I leaned on myself
I spent endless, painful days
I ignored their warnings
And because I missed music
I tried to escape
But no, I got caught
I prayed all night
And now I'm free

I don't normally post lyrics up with songs, but this was too meaningful for me not to. I also like how in the MV at the beginning she goes "mum! yo mum!" hahah so cute. And right at the end, when the dad does a voice over thing and he repeats after her, saying " Tasha Appa eemida" or however you spell it. Too cute.

5. What's up Mr. Good Stuff

I like the Jazzy feel of this, and the use of instruments (mainly the sax, I admit hahah)

6. Pay Day

This one is kind of repetitive, but I wanted to put this one in because of her awesome stage presence. I love how she can get the whole audience so up and going, it's quite exciting. I also absolutely love the part at the end when she goes "ALL AHJUMMA GET CRUNK!" hahhahahaha

The last thing I want to mention that I JUST looked up is a song by drunken tiger called "good life" I can't seem to get the uploader going, so if you click here and here, you can watch the performances. One of them is an acoustic version ft Eun Ji Won and the other is a live stage. I know I said earlier that this was going to be about Tasha, but this song highlights her amazing rapping skills. Eun Ji Won is so funny as well. ahhaha

That's about it for now, I hope more people would appreciate hip hop more now because I certainly do! Not that I would go all hip hop, but still, it's like Rachel and her love for K-Indie. Except mine is just...K Hip-hop. (or Kip Kop as I would like to call it)


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