Tuesday, July 3, 2012 @ 8:40 PM | 0 Comments

Geez this is awksies. I don’t really blog (used to. When I was 13. So you know how bad I am at this) so bear with me. Mind you, my English isn’t the best thing ever (if you know me personally you will know how that is an understatement) so I might not make sense most of the time especially when I spaz about something.

OKAY So lets just get straight to the point with this. Basically Nazlin came up with the idea to have this blog so she could go crazy ranting about anything Korean related but she didn’t want to do it alone and she thought I would be the perfect candidate to be her partner (That or she wants me to stop posting essays on her wall LOL). So yeah! We then spent the whole night coming up with the name. Hahaha omg we were so excited. And we spent another night fixing the layout (TOOK US FOREVER TO FIGURE OUT WHAT WAS WHAT! D:) and TADAH! Just like bibimbap was born!

You might wonder why we chose “Just like Bibimbap” to be our blog name. Since we were going to be blogging about EVERYTHING Korean (eg Kpop, boygroups, ponytails, guyliners, tight pants, engrish, Kdrama, Kfood and shit loads of other topics), it would be like a mixture of things, just like a bibimbap (if you didn’t know, bibimbap means mixed rice or mixed meal)! So yeah, I’m so creative right? Right? Right? LOLOLOL SHAMELESS SELF PRAISING.

To prepare you all for what I will be posting on this blog, here is a list of kpop related things I like.
-    Simon (Marry me?)
-    Abs (Any abs is good abs..maybe)
-    Jawlines (Who doesn’t like some defined jawlines?!)
-    Ponytails (Don’t judge. I have my reasons. Taemin is one of them and so is Kimbum)
-    Dancers
-    Arms
-    Tight pants
-    Baekhyun’s smile (Omg this boy can light up the fucking universe with that million dollar smile of his)

I won’t tell you what kind of Korean songs I like because I listen to everything. Pop, Electronica, Dance, Hip Hop, Rap, Indie, Ballad, Rock bla bla bla bla you will see when I talk about my favourite songs possibly in another post :P

SO YEAHHHHH Hope you enjoy reading this baby of ours! And mutual friends of Nazlin and I on facebook, you guys don’t have to see my posts on Nazlin’s wall all over your news feed anymore !

- Rachee



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