Thursday, July 5, 2012 @ 11:59 PM | 0 Comments

A couple of weeks back, I had made my way down to a grocery store with DongSaeng (chengyee) and decided to get some supplies to make my bibimbap. Armed with detailed knowledge of the dish and different ways on how to make it (thank you youtube) I ended up getting multiple things, which costed quite a bit considering the size of my pocket.

All these ingredients were stored safely in the fridge, away from anyone and everyone that might touch it. Only when I checked up on it a couple of days ago did I find that the bag of kimchi that I had bought was completely gassed. Well, I don't think that's the right term for it, but what happened was that the whole bag of kimchi was bloated like a balloon. Upon seeing the bag, my mother, oh my dear mother, says, "It's fermented!" No shit ma, really. =.=

I didn't really want to open the bag because it'll probably burst and all the kimchi would come flying out. On top of that, ma was really up my ass to not eat it, so I decided against it. You can tell I was upset because I ended up eating tomato rice with egg and red pepper paste. I needed something korean in my system ASAP. I miss it way too much, and it's not like I'm even korean. pfsh.

So for my very first post for food, I apologise to everyone because I'm unable to do a proper review/write up on it. I'm thinking of getting a new bag of kimchi this weekend except I might opt for a smaller bag this time, just incase it gasses again. Aim for this weekend: Make a bowl of bibimbap.

So to apologise, I've given you all some yummy looking bibimbap to feast your eyes on. 

If anyone hasn't tried bibimbap yet, it is blatantly obvious that you have not lived life to it's fullest yet, therefore get your ass to a korean store ASAP and try one now! My favourite korean restaurant would have to be Gu-Gong in the Gardens, but I still have yet to try many other places, so the top spot may change soon.

A more thorough write up on this amazeballs dish will be coming soon, so stay posted :)




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