Sunday, July 15, 2012 @ 1:59 PM | 0 Comments

Disclaimer: These are ALL my own opinions (obviously) and if you don't agree...sorry but no one has the same taste in guys right? Also, my ranking pretty much changes based on when groups are promoting or whenever they appear on different shows so don't be surprised if I give you a totally different answer when you ask me another day. of my favourite things of Kpop, the guys. This list changed so many times since I started liking Kpop nearly 3 years ago. Not too major but there are some additions and unfortunate eliminations. So today I'll introduce you all to guy number 10!

10. Chen (Exo-M)
This boy is just so full of cuteness and talent. I just love watching him on interviews (even though he doesn't speak much due to him not being able to fully understand Chinese yet)

and how he bites his tongue when he is nervous.

I really love his voice as well and I'm definitely not surprise that he only had to train for 11 months before he debuted. I mean just listen to that voice! Here is a clip of him singing Leehom's (ULTIMATE CELEBRITY CRUSH THIS ONE) Forever Love.

So much love for him. He and Luhan once mentioned that they wanted to collab with Leehom. PLEASE DO! Will be replaying it forever!
Also, he is such an adorably awkward dancer. I mean look!

Oh Chennnnnn (':


cr: images and videos do not belong to me

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