Saturday, July 14, 2012 @ 12:28 PM | 2 Comments

Summer has officially started for Rachel and I, along with everyone in the UK (I think) and some other uni people too! So to celebrate this occasion, here is a little something from Dream High 2.

Summer Nights sung by Ailee and JR (of JJ project) :

I don't know if this gets into the kpop category or anything korean considering it's in english, but it's sung by korean singers, so... :)

My current playlist which has been on replay since last night consists of 3 english songs--shocking huh. I advice people to go check them out because I'm totally in love with them!

1. All about tonight--Pixie Lott

Absolutely love Pixie Lott to the moon and back because I just love the uniqueness of her voice. She also had done a collaboration with GD&T.O.P of Big Bang which you can listen to here.

2. Missing Piece--David Choi

I first heard this song from watching Away We Happened (WongFu Productions) on youtube and I fell in love with the whole song, and upon watching the MV, I was really fascinated with the creativity of the whole thing. (I may or may not be easily fascinated by small things, but I guarantee this one's pretty cool!)

3. I have nothing--Ailee
Ailee sang a cover a while back of Whitney Houston's song "I have nothing" And..well, it's Ailee, who doesn't love her voice?! I also find it quite amusing how I also stumbled upon her pre-debut cover of it here. The audio isn't the best one, but you can tell she was even really good back then. Ok, I'll stop fangirling.

Have a nice summer everyone! And if you're unlucky enough to be from the same school as Rachel and I, then good luck with your EP as well as bullshitting your way through updating your E-portfolio!


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Dear Zi Ling,
    July 19, 2012 at 10:48 PM
Love those songs too! Except the first one, I haven't watched Dream High 2 yet, so I'm not going to spoil it for myself.
-I'm commenting unnecessarily so people know that other people look at this blog...or something. =] (You should do the same to mine =p jokes)
K bye. And if the 'XOXO' thing comes out below I did not write automatically writes it...

XOXOAnonymous N.I.C. =D

Dear Zi Ling,
    July 29, 2012 at 6:52 PM
hahahhaha thanks for commenting po! ...i forgot your url. LOL XOXO TO YOU TOO.

XOXOBlogger Zi Ling

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