Monday, August 20, 2012 @ 10:56 PM | 0 Comments

After months of anticipation and a six hour plane ride (with a terrible plane baby involved), I finally arrive in Koreaaaaaaaaaa! Actually I wasn't feeling as excited at that time because well 3 hours of sleep to last the whole day of walking isn't ideal.
So after meeting with our tour guide Cathy (She is the cutest Korean woman and I miss her already!) we headed straight to Bukchon and started being a tourist. I thought it would be an old village like this.

But it was more like this.

It was like an actual neighbourhood so people do reside in them. It was super quiet (Maybe cause it was a Sunday morning) and pretty nice environment to live in. We didn't spend too long there and I couldn't find the shop Nic told me about ):

We went to the ice gallery next. It was freeeeezing (Obviously. And you can probably tell that I was shivering so bad in the footage when I post it)!

Then we were taught how to carve a cup out of an ice block. That guy made it seem like the easiest thing in the world but damn did it take some effort to make it look decent! And my handle had to break and I was force to turn it into an ugly looking wine glass. Pictures of it will be posted once I find that darn card reader for my other camera.

I don't ever drink coffee but had to that day cause I was dying from the lack of sleep and it was only 11 am in the morning ahah. Had a cup of  caramel ice blended (which I grew to like and had another cup at the airport before we left.) and went to Deoksu palace. Some of the buildings were kinda influenced by western styles because the king had a Russian architect design them.

After about 30 minutes, we had Bulgogi for lunch at some turtle mall (I swear that is what it is really called) and look who we spotted!

Worse hair of his ever LOL! Do keep count of how many Nichkhuns we saw cause I swear he was everywhere!

Here comes the time where the fun begins! We went to Sincheon Ladies' Street for about 2 hours and woah omg I'll get into the shopping details later but it was AMAZING! Was caught in a pretty heavy rain and our pants were drenched. What made it worse was that we were heading to Gimpo airport straight after to catch a flight to Jeju. Wet pants, annoying girl kicking my seat, turbulence= worse one hour plane ride

After that, ANOTHER ROUND OF SHOPPING! This time at the Underground shopping street. Okay before I start I'll talk about the stuff I got at Sincheon. 1st thing were these cute tops at the very first boutique I saw once we got there. Was the best boutique I saw there and the price were so reasonable! Bought both of them for only 19 thousand won which was around 50 plus ringgit!

Then we passed by this shop selling some cute hairbows for only 1000 won each! Got these 3.

Then got some sandals. Most expensive thing I got at Sincheon for 29 thousand won.

Mum wanted a new Iphone case so we went to Kosney but in the end I was the only one that something and it was these!

Aren't they cute? Can't wait to do stuff with them (Still haven't figured out how though LOL)!

Spotted Tony Moly and went to see if they had those glitter polishes and they did! All 3 of them! And they were only 3 thousand won each! Considering how one of them was a dupe for a Deborah Lippmann polish, I would say that it was totally worth it!

Bag store caught my eye! Ever since Nic got her white bag, I always wanted something like it and I found this! Super cute right? Only 10 thousand won! WTF! Sister also got a leather backpack for 20 thousand won! Pretty damn awesome!

Thought after all the things I bought at Sincheon, I wouldn't buy anything there. WRONG! I found this nail polish stand (Sorry for the high amount of nail polish mentions in these posts because you have to understand that other than Korean stuff, I love nail polishes too kkbye) in Aritaum called MODI and they had the most amazing glitter nail polishes EVER! Deborah Lippmann, Lynderella, OPI, you name them, they have dupes for them. So I chose 4 and guess what? Buy 4 get 1 free! And they were all 3500 won. Kill me please! Also bought another glitter polish from Innisfree. Final polish count that day: 9

Really thought this was the end of it. WRONG AGAIN! Found a CD shop and wanted to see if they had Tablo's Fever's End. Yes they did and priced at 15 thousand won. That is around RM 42. Asked for Glen Check and eAeon as well but they were sold out so I left. Then I thought "Hell that was like half the price of the regular CDs I can get here in Malaysia!" So I went back and tadah! Proud owner of these.

Big Bang's Special Edition was only 17 thousand won. Wth. Also got a poster for Sexy, Free and Single version B. These add up to about 170 ringgit. 4 albums. What how when where. Oh and guess who's photocard I got? Donghae's from S,F&S version B and the group one for Superman! No need to beg for that Donghae photo card my sister has because I have one now too! I think I died from happiness too many times that day.

Had seafood hotpot that night for dinner and it was soooo good. Checked in after that (FINALLY) at KAL Hotel and blacked out after sorting out stuff for tomorrow.



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