Tuesday, August 21, 2012 @ 1:49 PM | 0 Comments

Wake up call at 6 with some music blaring into the phone. Got ready, had breakfast and off with our second day's activities!

First stop, Seongsan Sunrise Peak! It was formed after a volcanic eruption bla bla bla I'll skip these info for you. We didn't climb all the way cause we were already dying after reaching the first viewing platform. And that wasn't even a quarter of the distance to the peak. Though there were some crazy people that actually walked all the way there. The view at the first platform was already beautiful, I wonder how amazing the view must be at the top.

I tried Banana Milk for the first time there too. It doesn't taste bad but well...I don't get why Taemin likes it that much. If you hate artificial banana flavour, you will hate banana milk.

We went to Seongeub Folks Village which was a traditional mountain village. A lady showed us around, told us the history and all that. Then she let us try this thing called 오미자 which means 5 flavour tea. Apparently it was used in the past as a kind of "medical checkup". The 5 flavours are sour, sweet, bitter, salty and "spicy". Each flavour stands for a kind of symptom. If the tea taste sour to you it means you are tired. Sweet means your digestion is not very good. Salty means that your back or bone is not really good. "Spicy" is that burning feeling you feel in your throat when you drink it and it means you have sore throat. And bitter means that there is something wrong with your heart D: I have no idea how the tea would taste to a healthy person LOL but mine tasted sour. They also had a black pig there. They used to eat people's poop. I'm not even kidding about this one.


Went for lunch after that at this restaurant. Omg is this shop owner famous! The whole restaurant was filled with pictures of his appearances on tv, business cards of everyone who has been there and also signature of the Korean football team! He was so excited ahahaa. We had spicy pork barbaque (I'm sorry I don't know most of the Korean names of the food I eat there ): ) but since I can't handle spicy food too well, I had vegetable pancake instead. There was also green wheat noodle in really thick soup that you eat together with the pork. It was really good and I ate so much. After that he told us to sign his wall of customer and gave us a copy of the signature of the Korean football team. Park Jisung's signature is mine! He also wrote us this banner thingy saying that we have visited his restaurant and some other stuff. LOL his handwriting is so damn neat though!

We headed to Cheonjiyeon waterfall after that. Such a pretty place! I'm sorry this post lacks a lot of photo but like I said card reader of my video cam/camera and my mum's camera can't be found at the moment so bear with me for awhile. I will post them up later when I find them!

Oedolgae rock next!

Osulloc Green Tea Museum! Just looked around and bought some green tea (of course!).

These were too cute.

And hello there Yoo Ah In, nice seeing you here!

Headed to the glass museum next. Man these glass makers are crayyyyy! Look how pretty they are!

Random "Best Taxi Driver" deserves a special mention.

We went to the Mysterious road where you can go uphill with the engine off. It has something to do with like illusion. Basically it's an downhill slope that looks an uphill slope. It was damn coooool!
Dinner was Pheasant Shabu Shabu with Dolsot Bibimbap!

Was eating when the shop owner came by our table and started talking to the waitress next to me so I looked up and then he told my tour guide something. Turns out I look like Son Yeon Jae to them. Whaaaaaaaaat. So I just awkwardly said thank you. Then the waitress said something to him and he said something in a shocked tone and mentioned the word 딸 which means daughter so I assumed he said something about me being able to be his daughter. He asked me how old I was and I told him I was 17 and he was like "Oh I have a daughter the same age as you." And he asked for a photo. DOUBLE AWKWARDNESS! Thank you for your compliment shop owner, you're cool but you did made me feel extremely awksies during the last part of my meal. Also I think you might need to get your eyes checked cause I look nothing like her.

Went back to the hotel and checked my results. Basically cried the shit out of myself. What a way to end a great day!



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