Wednesday, August 22, 2012 @ 9:10 PM | 0 Comments

Finally getting back to the city! I felt so sad leaving our apartment after only one night *sobs* Might come back one day to ski there since its a ski and golf resort. But EVERLAND TODAY! Didn't get to go to Caribbean Bay though cause we had no time and we also didn't have our swim stuff with us ):

Since you know it's a tradition to be wearing those animal ear things in theme parks there, we did try on a few and tried to recreate Leejoon's fabulous theme park fashion from Hello Baby.

Took the "Amazon Express" which was like those river thing where you get wet. Sister and I chose the best seats cause we didn't even get a droplet on us. They had these plastic covers though that covers your body but you will still get wet if you are unlucky.

Then we went to the Safari World and took the bus to exploreeeeee!

Hello Liger, what you doing with that stick?

Since I wasn't a theme park person eg I can't take roller coasters ever, I just went on the bumper car and basically ate most of the time. Dippin Dots since some one told me to try it.

Some one confessed their love for me that day LOLOLOLOLOL. Basically my sister and I were taking the chairlift to get back to the entrance and at the end there was a photographer who takes photo for you and you get to print it later. So when our chairlift reached he told us to pose and shiz. After he took our photo though he looked at me and said: "Oh you are so pretty I love you ok bye!" completed with like spazzy hand movements. My sister and I looked at each other and just laughed sooooo hard. But thank you random theme park photographer, you did make me feel pretty. <3

Note: From now on there will not be any photos in this post because they are all in my mum's camera. I am really sorry. I promise to post everything later when I get hold of that damn card reader.

We were finally back in Seoul and we went for a foot massage! It was more like a foot soaking actually. And they had massage chairs and ginseng masks for us. Super nice relaxing time! My shoulders and back needed that massage chair session so badly!

Then we went to Kimchi School to learn how to make Kimchi. At the end they let us try some. Omg took this super spicy one which made me die and I left my water in the bus T.T They had like hanboks over there for you to put on and take photos with too so we had a go at that as well.

Dinner was Samgyetang! Didn't get to finish mine though cause I was having some pretty bad stomach ache :/ But it was so good ): On the way to the next destination though, a black van stopped next to our bus at the traffic light and I swear a boy group was inside. Even though the windows were tinted, I could see like the outline of the guys sitting inside and their hair were like styled and they had crazy loads of accessories on! Maybe they were on their way back from M count. SO COOL!

We went to the Drum Cat Show after that. Wow it was amazing. If you guys ever get the chance to watch it, please do! Cameras weren't allowed so I didn't get any footage but I did find a promotional clip of it.

There were these 2 comedians between intervals and I LOVE THEM! Ahahahahah they were so so adorable and hilarious! Had to sit next to this random guy and we keep putting our arms on the arm rest at the same time and keep hitting each other. Sorry random guy, didn't mean to hit your arm so many times during that show!

Checked in to the hotel and checked my maths result. Surprise surprise, didn't get a C as expected! Then we watched Bridal Mask and I called Joo Oh to sort out our meet up on Saturday! Was so excited for it!



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