Wednesday, August 22, 2012 @ 9:11 PM | 0 Comments

Note: We actually have no photos from today because we visited all these places that didn't allow cameras ):

Went to all kinds of Ginseng and Herbal shops first. I'm quite surprised by the amount of foreigners working there. Well should've expected since a lot of tourists go there and they need people who can speak Chinese, English etc. We had people from Macau, Hong Kong and Thailand serving us. Nothing interesting though..I mean all they do is promote their products and stuff. We also visited the Amethyst Factory. Waaaaaah so purple and pretty and expensive.

We were brought to this particular Face Shop store. I guess they have special discount for tourists or something. Bought a waterproof mascara there since mine was out.

We had lunch at Todai in Myeondong which was like a buffet place. Spotted some store selling China Glazes so I told myself to go there after lunch. They had For Audrey! So brought that and Kinetic Candy since I liked it so much when Jan lent me hers. About the same price as the ones I can get here in KL so not really a snatch. Then went to H&M and bought this top that I could wear to school for 17 thousand won (or was it 19 thousand....). Didn't explore the streets of Myeondong since we were going to do that on our last day anyway.

Headed to Dongdaemun after all those store visiting. Didn't have AS much as I thought there would be. But we went into this shoe shop and saw these combat boots which were JUST like what I wanted so I excitedly asked the guy how much it was. But he he told me it was 45 thousand won. I was like Akdjanksdnjansd noooooooo ): So I just said thanks and left. After walking around again we ended up going back to the same store cause my dad wanted some "young people" shoes LOL. While he was trying on his shoes, I was just looking longingly at those shoes cause I was looking around in Korea for it but didn't find them until today and they were so expensive ): The shop owner was like pointing to the shoes and gave me the thumbs up sign but I was like "45 thousand! ): ):" and he was like "Ahh 왜 그래(I think it means Why are you like this)?" Ahahaha.

Now best part. Gangnam Style came on so I just went "Oh Gangnam Style!" (cause I heard it over and over again everyday walking down the streets of Korea. At least 5 times a day. It's like the stores play them one after another!) The guy was like so shocked and he asked me "Singer, singer?" I was like "Psy....." and I told him I liked Kpop in Korean. Then he got all excited and took those shoes and pulled me to a chair and forced me to try them on. Inside I was going all "Omg dude you are making me want them even more!!!! ):" and it fitted perfectly! And guess what? He gave me a discount and reduced the price to 38 thousand won! THANKYOU KPOP AND GANGNAM STYLE! When I left he even gave me a high five! Hehehehehhehehehehehe.

After that we went to Kang Ho Dong's restaurant Baekjeong. Omg BBQ. Smelled SO BAD when we finished. Since it was my sister's birthday that day, Cathy helped us and got a cake. So when they were sitting down, I was lighting the candles (with much difficulty) near the entrance but STUPID HUGE FAN blew them all out and everyone nearby just laughed -.- So I was like WTV and just brought the cake to the table. Hehehe I hope she liked our 'surprised' but I was pretty sure she knew LOL.

Weird quest. Is it weird for someone to hold a door for you?
Cause I went to the convenient store to get something and when I came out, this guy was going to come in so I just held the door for him. He was like "OH?" and stared at me for abit before going "Kamsahabnida" and continued staring at me while going in. LOL I guess they weren't used to this!

No photos this post but NO WORRIES! Next post will probably be the one people are waiting the most for and will be FILLED with photos cause it's the day we go to the SM ART EXHIBITION!!!!! Psst we also saw an idol! Keep checking justlikebibimbap to see who it was!!



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