Thursday, August 23, 2012 @ 8:13 PM | 0 Comments

OMG I HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS EXCITED EVER! Going to SM's Art Exhibition and spending the day with Joo Oh. How can I not be excited?!
After getting ready (Wore my new boots and the black lace top I got on the first day! Hehe) and having breakfast, we walked to Yeoksam station and took the subway to COEX! Was quite confusing cause there were no ticket stand, only machines. But we made it anyway waheyy!

Found Joo Oh after being sent the opposite direction by a worker (You, you evil person. I said North gate! I even spelled it out like you told me to hmmph!) and we ran walked to where the exhibition was held! I swear I was jumping around going crazy as we were on the way there. Joo Oh and my sister just looked at me weirdddd. Bought the pink card (cause silver card was too crazy expensive and I didn't see much privileges other than a goodie bag.) and in we went!

Hahaha you can't really see the both of us but we were below the sign!

What you see once you walk in. They give you a fan each too with the SM thing on it though the guy accidentally gave me two. So Naz, one of them is yours!

Nazzzzzzz this is for you!

"Omg guys they are waving at me!" *sobs*

The hugeeeeee tree of life (Heheheh see my Exo reference there). They just played all kinds of MVs on it. And around it you can see the tvs playing them as well and they were SO HD.

Took a photo (Illegally cause it was a stand where you had to queue and stuff but we were nearby so just casually took a photo with the ones there) with Changmin, Donghae and Chen's cutout! Though you can't really see their faces :P

We went to the Star Puzzle booth first since the queue was short. Basically you match things up and it's super easy and you get this postcard at the end. I got the one with all the SM artistes in it.

Then we went to join the queue for the Rare Item area. It was filled with like clothing, accessories (OMG ALL THOSE EXO RINGS HURHURHUR), etc worn by the artistes during mvs, performances and concerts. They also had this whole wall filled with 1000 Polaroids and some of them were photo card pictures! No photos were allowed though I did see some photos from there floating around tumblr! I don't know how they do it cause those 'bodyguards' were every where! Sneaky! We did take a photo outside and since Joo oh and my sister likes Sungmin...

We saw this guy standing next to the van with people taking photos of him when we were queuing and couldn't figure out who he was. Then we asked the girl at the Rare Item stand and she was like Oh he is a model. So I asked Joo Oh if she wanted a photo and she was like sure and we went for it!

Before us was this Japanese lady. Omg she was so...... I don't know *cough*crazy scary*cough*. She took the guy's hand and just made him give her a back hug. He was really friendly though and just went with it but the rest of us including the guy manning the stand were just like O.O When it was our turn, he gave us a hug and told us to do the gun pose ahahaha. And he asked where we were from so I said Malaysia. As we were leaving Joo Oh was like "I'll just pretend that I am a foreigner, this is too embarrassing." AHAHAHHAA :'D

He looks a teeny bit like Siwon doesn't he?

We went to look at some of the fan arts later. Woweee aren't some of them good!

Er hahah...ignore the fact that Taemin looks just like a fine lady here. His nose and mouth seems a little off but the details here are just amazing. And it's an oil painting. *sobs* I wish I can paint this well.

Once again, this is for you Nazlin.

They had this whole wall with all their hand prints D':

These are for me,

Sigh Baekhyunie why are your hands so pretty?

 these are for Naz,

As you can probably tell, Kris' hands are huge! His hand nearly filled up the box D:

and these are for my sister.

We went to SHINee's Holographic Live Show next. OMG IT WAS SO AMAZING! It looked as if they were dancing right in front of us! I was like (⊙ω⊙) the whole time. Too bad no photos allowed again ):

Went to the post card stand after the show and snatched a bunch of post cards buuuuuuut only wrote to EXO-M (and casually mentioning EXO-K. I hope you passed my message to them EXO-M!) cause they rest probably won't understand what I'm writing to them. Yaay for Chinese (though I did write majority of my letter in English cause my Chinese sounded a little awksies.)!

All the other letters, doubt they would even come across mine actually.

We went back to Star Puzzle AGAIN cause we wanted to get more postcards my sister didn't go the first time. Got EXO-M's this time.

After sending my sister out we walked around a bit and saw that there was a second model and he looked hotter! So again we went and took a photo with him cause we are not embarrassed. After taking a photo with him, Joo Oh: "He smells nice." Hahahaha he did indeed smell really good.

We were waiting for people to dance but no one actually did cause it wasn't opened yet ):

Other photos from that day:

So sad that we didn't go to this. You had to pay extra the lady told us and since we already spent a bit on the entrance fee itself we just decided not to ):

Heheh hi Baekhyun ♥

For Naz again.

After walking around 2 more times, we finally decided to leave. Boooooooo ): Got a poster after we filled some questionnaire up. Apparently I now stand a chance to win one of the 1000 Polaroids on that wall. We'll see ahah.

We walked around Coex Mall for a bit and I got another 2 polishes. 1 from Etude House and one from Art Box. I swear every polish I see in Korea just calls out to me. They are just so pretty.

Then we took the subway and went to Times Square! I think it took about 40 minutes to get there so we talked the whole way. Uni apps, school, bla bla bla. When we got off we were trying to find the exit to Time Square but we ended up at some street LOL so we asked some people and we had to take this small alley way (which was quite creepy) and finally reached Time Square! We were going to go up the escalator and there were a whole bunch of people snapping pictures and going all "Wah so pretty". We were wondering "Idol?" and ran into the crowd to check it out. We couldn't recognise her at first until I saw Yoon Mi Rae Fan Sign written at the back, I was like "OMG NAZLIN WOULD LOVE THIS!" So I tried my best to snap a decent photo of her. There woman, after much failure, this is the best I got of her for you!

Off to search for that food court that Joo Oh tried previously! But she forgot where it was ahaah so we walked and walked for bout half an hour before she asked her friend and found out out where it was! Hahahah the food was good though so it was worth the walk (: I had Mozzarella cheese pork cutlet while she had noodles that I think were Udon? No photos sozz cause we were too busy catching up and planning on what we were doing after that.

We decided on going to Hongdae after we walk around the underground shopping area. But before that I asked Joo Oh if there were any CD shops cause I desperately needed to get Glen Check and eAeon's albums. They only had the Au Revoir EP but since we were heading to Hongdae, the streets of art and indie music, next I figured I could find it some how. Ended up getting Leessang's Unplugged, VIXX's Superhero and EAEON'S GUILT FREE ♥♥♥♥♥. Guilt-Free was 19 and over (probably due to the mention of "Drug" and "Ecstasy") and I was worried that they would ask for my ID. I was just going to lie that I forgot my passport but the lady didn't even ask. Maybe they didn't care about foreigners or I look legal there (YAAY).

Then we went down to the basement and walked around. Didn't buy anything cause I bought way too much but Joo Oh did buy some ahjumma pants (eheheh) and an Iphone case. Saw so many pretty tops but had to control myself. Took the subway again to HONGDAE!

We were dying from walking too much so we were looking for a cafe to sit and rest our feet. We found a cafe call Can More and when we were walking towards it this guy gave me a pamphlet...for a bar. I guess I do look legal there LOL! We had Patbingsoo! That cafe is made for relaxing I tell you. They have rocking chairs for every table and for the bar area, it is facing a huge glass window overlooking Hongdae with freaking swings as seats. The fruit Patbingsoo was so yummeh and I really loved the toast they served with it. They had like this sweetened whipped cream for you to spread on the toast with. Ended up eating it all on its own ahahah Joo Oh has a vid of it.

Finally left that place and continued on my quest to find Haute Couture! For a music street they sure have very little CD shops (that or many were hidden) cause we walked until the end of streets before finally spotting one. Rushed in immediately and they had this section labelled "Indie Music" so I looked in that area and tadahhh I found it! Baby is finally mine for 12500 won. Feels too good to be true to finally be holding it in my hands. *Breaks down* I swear the lady at the counter thought I was crazy cause I probably looked deranged and was giggling like crazy when I was paying for it.

We went to look for a restaurant for dinner but ended up finding this!

It's the cutest thing ever! I'm sure this was the shop Simon and Martina visited too. Once we got inside, we decided that we would be too full to ever have dinner so we just settled for drinks. Iced chocolate for me and Pineapple smoothie for Joo Oh. Even the drinks were cute. My drink had a cocoa powder Hello Kitty sprinkled on top of it. So full of cuteness this shop! No idea how long we sat there for but we just chatted and were catching up on every thing. We also took the time to organise our bags LOL. After a full day of throwing everything into it, it was a mess heh.

The time for us to leave finally came ): Since it would take us an hour to get back to our respective stops, we left the place at 7:45 so we would make it back home at 9. Joo Oh led me to my station and I felt so sad parting with her! ): Meeting up with her again felt like she never even left us! I'm coming back to visit you one day and we will be roaming the streets of Hongdae (maybe we would be legal then and we can go get a drink ahahah) again!

After that, 18 stops and 1 hour of being alone. Stood for more than half my ride because it was so packed but did manage find a seat in the end. I wanted to sleep cause I was SO tired but didn't dare too cause I was so scared I would miss my stop :P

Walked back to my hotel. I don't know but the few days I was in Seoul I never felt...unsafe? I mean I would never ever dare to ever walk alone in the streets of KL at night (maybe cause everyday I flip open the first 10 pages of our newspaper I would go "Waaaaah KL is 'so safe'!") but it felt okay walking back to my hotel that night.

Realised that it would be my last night in Korea that night! I was so sad T.T Called Joo Oh to make sure she reached home safely, then started packing boo hoo ):



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