Friday, August 24, 2012 @ 8:28 PM | 0 Comments

Last day in Kpop land! ): Sadly checked out of our hotel and headed to Myeondong after breakfast.

I swear we weren't planning on buying anything else cause our bags were filled to the brink but the moment we got off the bus and turned the corner into the streets of Myeondong, CD STORE! Walked in.....and caved into temptation. Got my last 2 albums there: Big Bang's Tonight and U-Kiss' Dora Dora! This store gives posters for every album you buy regardless of whether that poster even belongs to that album. Sister also got her first 2 (LOL) albums which were B2ST's Midnight Sun and Super Junior's Spy.

My total album count from this trip: 10

We walked around rather aimlessly actually. But omg this Myeondong so make up crazy. We saw like 5 Face Shops/Natural Republic/Tony Moly/Hollika Hollika in that area. 5 of each! Didn't buy any other polishes.....except this glow in the dark one :3 Hey you can't blame me okay, it was only 5 thousand won! I can't find it this cheap here in KL! And it is also really pretty.....

My total nail polish count from this trip: 14

Parents though....ended up buying loads (Hah so much for "We are not getting anything else here cause we can't fit everything in and you've spent too much bla bla bla"). Bags, phone covers, socks, clothes and SHOESSSS! Since I got a lot of stuff the last few days, I refrained from getting another new pair but OMG the ones my sister and mum got ♥

My total shoe count from this trip: 2 

I saw Eversing and wondered if there were any SM people around scouting like how Luhan said he was scouted while walking around Myeondong. But didn't see any (that or no one approached me ahahahah). Terence! No creepy lady followed me around! ): Ahahahahahah

Had this noodle for lunch which I think was Chinese food cause it had dumplings and the noodles were really similar to the ones I had in this Chinese restaurant. And and and to the airport )':

Omg dilemma when we were about to check in. We managed to fit everything in alright but another problem came up, possible overweight. Our maximum was 100kg....and we nearly exceeded it. SO CLOSE! We were getting ready to take stuff out and hand carry it but phew we made it. Went there with 60 kg, came back with close to 100kg. Yeah, that's how much we bought. Crazyyyy!

After saying goodbye to our day guide Mrs Kim (Cathy couldn't come send us because her son had a break from the army and they had to visit her mother in law. I MISS YOU SO MUCH!), we went into the forbidden land where you can never come out again and it was really goodbye Korea ): When we were waiting to board though, they had HD tv playing Inkigayo and since our plane was delayed........sat in front and watched like little kids.

Plane ride back was just full of sadness. No hot Korean guy sat next to me to make it better. No one sat next to me actually....which was best thinking back cause I could do this!

Clouds looked like pinky cotton candy.....and now I'm starving.

So this sums up my amazing trip to Korea! I'm really glad my parents decided to bring us there. It wasn't filled with Kpop artistes but it was the other things in this trip that made it really memorable and fun for me. One day, I promise that I'LL BE BACK (breaks out into 2PM's I'll be back)!




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