Monday, August 13, 2012 @ 8:57 PM | 0 Comments

I'm not too sure when this drama came out, but I decided to watch it since a friend of mine gave me a copy of all the downloaded episodes. With nothing to do, paired with a huge amount of procrastination, I ended up watching the whole drama.

This drama stars Kim Tae Hee (most memorable work would be in IRIS) as well as Song Seung Hun (who for me, is most memorable in "the 3 brothers" which is a family drama that aired a couple of years ago) In short, this drama depicts the life of Lee Seol (Kim Tae Hee) as she discovers that she's actually Korea's princess, and upon finding this out, she gets into some trouble here and there. Park Hae Young (Song Seung Hun) is the grandson of a big business company. He soon makes his way into Lee Seol's life unexpectedly, but only to find out later that he starts to fall for her. The story does get complicated, and thankfully not predictable as most other dramas are.

I think the best thing about this drama, is that there aren't as many of those "stare into space dream about something" kind of scenes. Of course, there's a fair bit here and there, it's a korean drama after all, but I was impressed at how minimal it was.

The chemistry between the couple is quite heartwarming, and could easily make girls squeal (well I did anyway) The only thing regarding the chemistry between the two would be that I felt as if Kim Tae Hee didn't show as much...passion? if you could call it that. Most of the time, it was Song Seung Hun that was completely immersed in the situation, and I could almost understand him . One thing I'm uncertain about would be that if Kim Tae Hee's role was suppose to be like that. Was she suppose to be clueless and not so passionate? She was after all, a girl that was suppose to be a whole lot younger than the guy. Maybe she was trying to portray the age difference, by acting differently. Nevertheless, I know she's well capable of doing so, as seen in IRIS.




The level of humour in this drama is just about right, not overdone, not too minimal, just right for a romantic comedy. And can I also add how hot Song Seung Hun is? He's one of those actors that looks alright, not extremely good looking, but once you see him acting, when he's immersed in his role, he's too cute I tell you.

Hello, I'll just stand here casually with a towel, don't mind me.

Look how concerned he looks! *applause*

She's always so pretty =.=

B2ST's KiKwang also stars in it, and he plays the role of the "country boy turned little chef" His role was pretty cute too if you ask me :)

Song Seung Hun with B2ST's KiKwang

B2ST's KiKwang in his chef outfit
 At the end of it all, I found myself literally laughing out loud, crying at some bits, and felt heart ache in others. I highly recommend this drama to anyone that seeks a good relaxing drama to watch without having too much anxious-ness or curiosity filling the air. And of course, if you're looking for some laughter :)

 Overall Rating: 9/10


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