Sunday, August 5, 2012 @ 12:25 AM | 0 Comments

This. This is what I try to say every time some people try to tell me that the only reason I like Kpop is because they are all good looking.

First of all. Who are you to tell me why I like something? I think I would know better myself thank you very much. Secondly, so what if it is one of the reasons I like Kpop? Tell me honestly, can you say that you have never judged someone based on their appearance? I think not.

"There is nothing wrong with liking idols based on their looks–as long as you don’t judge them based solely on their looks"

Yes and yes. I will agree to that. For example, take Leejoon. My favourite and the visual of MBLAQ. Abs, jawline, he has everything but is that the only reason why I like him? No! He is one of the most hilarious idols to watch on any variety shows. From his babo (idiot) Joon to his fatherly image on Hello Baby, I would still love him to bits even without that abs and jawline of his. There I said it.

What I'm trying to say is, as much as looks play a big role in Kpop, it is not the only thing. So IF ANYONE TRIES TO SAY THAT I LIKE KPOP BECAUSE OF THE PRETTY BOYS, I WILL (Self censoring. Insert all kinds of nasty things I would do.)




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