Saturday, September 15, 2012 @ 2:35 PM | 0 Comments

Greetings fellow readers! Many apologies for MIA-ing for a while. There's been a lot happening in school lately, since we started year 13 2 weeks ago. After multiple scoldings from Rachel for abandoning our baby, I'm back to write on various things that has somewhat caught my attention since the last time I blogged (which was forever, I know)

First off, massive congrats to PSY for taking the whole world by storm with his hit song "Gangnam Style". I'm sure I don't need to stick in his MV here because I'm almost certain all of you have already watched it, numerous times maybe. There has been so much hype, so many parodies, including our very own "KL style" by Jinnyboytv on youtube that starred radio hosts JJ and Ean as well as many other Malaysian entertainers. Even though I've never really heard any of his songs before this, nor have I been a fan of his (even though I've heard of him a couple of times) I feel a little proud knowing that people that weren't interested in the K-culture are now opening up a little because of Psy's song. It's got nothing to do with me, but I just feel a sense of...happiness that more people are now aware of how good korean songs can be-if you give it a listen.

It's been reported that Psy has performed everywhere on music shows as well as on the "Ellen show" and he was also spotted in pictures with Britney Spears and Simon Cowell to name a few. He was also on radio with Ryan Seacrest where he was interviewed briefly, and where I also learnt a couple of things about him. Like how he went to Boston University. Which is why his english isn't as noob as other idols.

This is part 1, there's also part 2 where you can find on the side bar. 

and here is his bit on the "Ellen show" teach Britney Spears how to dance.(never would I have imagined that happening)

That's my little Psy rant over, on to the WonderGirls! I wouldn't say I'm a fan of them, because honestly, their music doesn't appeal that much to me. I am however a fan of their voices! If I'm not mistaken, in their era (we're not counting BoA, because well, she's considered an earlier generation of idols despite the age) they were the first idol group to debut in America and although I didn't see that as a beneficial thing for their popularity (well, it didn't help them at all actually, their popularity in Korea came running down) I think they've learnt a lot from their time in the US. It's a shame though that after releasing a couple more songs, they weren't in that "craze" mode anymore. In all honesty, I prefer their english songs than their korean ones.

Not too long ago they came out with "Like Money" ft. Akon which I thought was pretty catchy, but they didn't get that much hype for it.

Way before that when they came up with their own nickelodeon movie "The wondergirls at the Apollo", there was a song called "DJ is mine". I didn't know if it was an official release, but I was hooked to that song for a while (and again, they didn't get as much hype for it-am I weird for liking these songs!?)

And just recently, there was a video of them singing what is suppose to be their new single "Wake up" but acoustic version, which I thought was really good. Complete with harmonisation, I really enjoyed the song, even though it's acapella, and...I haven't heard the original.

The next singer/actress isn't actually in the K-scene. She's Korean American and she resides in America. She's known to be close friends with and some of you might've seen her on Pretty Little Liars or CSI:NY or in NigaHiga's short movie "Agents of secret stuff" with WongFu productions. She's none other than Arden Cho.

She's incredibly pretty and I obsess with her hair everytime I see her. But besides all that, that girl can actually sing. She's got tons of english covers, and about 2 korean ones. You can check out her channel for other covers, but one I recently liked was a cover of B2ST's song "Beautiful night". I wasn't a fan of the song at first, but I just love her rendition of it!

She's got one cover of BoA as well, so check that out too!

The next artist/youtuber is pretty new on my subsrciption list and he's Jason Chen. I just found him today, covering BoA's "Only One". And if any of you don't know, I'm a complete sucker for that song. That song can play on end, and I could sit there and listen to it all day. On top of that, Jason has made an english cover of it- not something I fancy a lot since most english versions of Korean songs suck, but this one actually sounds pretty good!

The title says via USA mainly because all these artists in this blogpost is in America as we speak! Enjoy the songs :)


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