Tuesday, July 24, 2012 @ 10:53 PM | 0 Comments

Today's indie artist would be more on the depressing sounding side. I'm not saying that they are all depressing songs but it's more on the slow and chilled side.

So eAeon, the start of my korean indie music adventure. I was never into the Korean indie scene since all of the indie songs I heard before discovery him were those cutesy bunny stuff which weren't really my thing. But then bam! Discovered him and now I'm quite into Korean indie (well, the cutesy stuff are still a no for me. Sorry.)

This was the song that had drawn me into eAeon. This song starts of slow but at 1:30 the beat comes in and wooo wonderful things happen! The static-y kinda sound is also really interesting. And you know what I love best? THE MUSIC VIDEO! Why? Because it is a stop motion video DAVID HOCKNEY STYLE!! He is an artist for those who don't know who he is and he did some cubism photography that you guys should totally check out! Hehe sorry for being excited, it's just that I used him as an artist reference for my art exam last year. ANYWAY MOVING ON!

Bulletproof is not my favourite song by him though. 너는 자고 (You Were Sleeping or You Should Sleep. Something along those lines according to my Korean friend Joo Oh :D) has to be my favourite. Some of you might find it boring but I love repetitive stuff like this :P It has a bit of static sound in the chorus which Bulletproof had and it is so simple. Just guitar, bass and some finger snapping.

나의 기념일 (My Anniversary) is also another favourite. Simple and slow (and depressing sounding). Just what I love :D This song actually made me wanna learn how to play a guitar.

슬픈 마네킹 (Sad Mannequin) was the second song I heard from him and was what made me want to download the whole album.

Recently, Lena Park released an album and one song got me jumping in excitement because it was a collab with eAeon! Their voices are just so soothing. I loved their harmonizing too. Love! Been replaying it these few days.

Can't wait till he makes a comeback! But for now I will settle with Guilt-Free.
Like always, here is the tracklist for Guilt-Free if you want to check out more of his stuff.

1. Bulletproof
2. 너는 자고
3. SCLC (Sugar Caffeine Liquid Cloud)
4. 세상이 끝나려고해
5. Drug
6. 나의기념일
7. 창문 자동차 사과 모자
8. 5 in 4
9.  슬픈 마네킹


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