Tuesday, July 3, 2012 @ 11:10 PM | 0 Comments

See those tabs at the top? Click it! It will show you what we are loving during the month!

We might be a few days late with this but here are our favourites for the month of June. (:

Song: Electric Shock - f(x)
We love this song and have so much to say about it. Expect a review soon!

Video: Monster - Big Bang
Definitely the most interesting (or should we say borderline creepy/weird) music video of this month! How can you resist those interesting hairstyles of theirs? Besides that, video has some pretty amazing effects and visual shiz in our opinion!

Drama: Queen In-hyun's Man
Our love for this drama started when news of Jihyun Woo's confession exploded all over the internet. Watched a random part of the drama, saw the chemistry and fell in love with it. This drama has the right amount of romance, comedy, action and fantasy. Great drama, definitely recommend it!

Dish: Bibimbap
Bibimbap is cool. That's why it's part of our blog title.

Hottie: Dalmatian's Simon
Oh Simon. What else can we say? Perfect jawline, abs, blonde purple hair and that intense stare of his. Just too too hot. If we had this blog during May, he would be our hottie of the month for both May and June. Rachel loves him. A lot.

News: Yoo In-ah confirms that she is dating Ji-hyun Woo!
Favourite drama to real life couple! After the critisms he got after his public confession, we are glad that Yoo In-ah accepted him!

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