Thursday, August 16, 2012 @ 12:58 PM | 0 Comments

Before I got around to watching My Princess, I managed to get myself through Love Rain. Love Rain had made big hallyu stars like Yoona (SNSD) and Jang Geun Suk (other lame dramas) star in it, and I guess the hype was pretty up there. I admit, it was not as bad as I thought it would be, but it was down right predictable, and the ending couldn't be any more cheesy. That aside, let's get on with the rest of the drama.

The first few episodes were so draggy I wanted to pull all my hair out. It was an olden day setting, telling the story of how the 2 main stars fell in love with each other. After a couple of episodes, it fast forwards to the present day, and presents the 2 main stars's kids who meet each other (played again by the 2 main stars)

Fine. It was sweet. To a certain extent. And yes. It was heartbreaking in some parts. Besides that, this drama was just an old boring one, with no excitement, twist, nothing. If pulling in big Hallyu stars was their strategy to make it big, then they've got it wrong. Before I say anything else, I must say, Yoona's acting has actually improved from her debut as an actress, and well, Jang Geun Suk's is just..mediocre. He seems to only possess 2 different kind of facial expressions. Angry/pissed and happy. That's it.

It was tormenting to watch not only because the story line was predictable, but maybe because I actually knew what was going to happen at the end. Yeah, I stumbled upon it waaayyyy before I started watching, but I wanted to see how it'd all turn out at the end. If it was worth it or not. Well..I guess not?

On to the "stare into space dream about something" Like most other korean dramas, IT WAS SO LONG. Too long in fact. I think I managed to skip almost a quarter of the whole drama, without missing any big drama. Kiss scenes were pretty intense I must say, and definitely better than watching Jessica being eaten by that old dude in "wild romance"

It was still nice to watch on a boring day, to make time pass. (If you need some excitement, this is NOT for you)


Yeah, now you know what happens in the end. Lol, I just ruined it for you. hehe

Overall Rating: 5.5/10


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