Tuesday, August 7, 2012 @ 1:32 PM | 0 Comments

It's been all over the Kpop news, and it's been said to have moved off "Entertainment News" onto "General News" over there in Korea. How true that is, I will never know, however it does seem plausible. Having rumours of bullying circling around here and there surely would get a lot of parent's attention.

(For everyone who isn't aware of the situation, you can check it out here)

Now here's my take on the whole situation (taking into consideration that this is completely my opinion only, and hopefully people will take it with a pinch of salt)

First of all, there is very poor management from CCM (core contents media). In addition to that, a dick head of a CEO. In my opinion this would never have gotten out to the public if they had managed the girls better. In regards to the account that was made public supposedly by an ex back up dancer of T-ara just makes the whole bullying situation seem more realistic. However again, no one really knows whether this person that has written that account was really an ex back up dancer. News came out that KKS (dickhead CEO) had released a statement saying it was fabricated and CCM has in fact made police reports and ivestigations were set up, and they found the person. A few hours later, BAM! Seoul police releases statement saying they didn't do a single thing and had made no such investigation. Proof #1 why KKS is such a dickhead. Making stories up and releasing it as a proper statement to the public is NOT A GOOD IDEA. Don't misjudge and misuse the police force please.

Secondly, this whole twitter business, some people are for it, some people are against, it's been a havoc. I'm on neither side. Although it does seem like they are bullying Hwayoung, I don't think people can make assumptions based simply on twitter remarks. So netizens out there hating on T-ara because of their tweets, please calm the fck down.

I don't think this whole thing would've started if they didn't take in Hwayound in the first place. I understand groups like AfterSchool who add members after some leave because yes, they need replacements for future performances. But this, this, dear readers, puzzles me. They started off as 6. So why add another member when they're already on their way up? Is it to help them to get there faster? I don't think CCM had thought it through enough because how would the girls actually feel having another member after being together for so long, and having worked their asses off together, only to have another member come in, and just enjoy a free ride? I'm not hating on Hwayoung, but generally speaking, if you're in a group, a girl group at that, if you were in their shoes, you would be sensitive about it too wouldn't you? The whole idea was a sour one to begin with and that's what I think made this whole thing turn into a storm.

Then a few months later, CCM decides to add 2 additional members. One at a time. First one has debuted,  and although she seems to have a lot to offer, it puzzles me even further why they can't train their other members such as Qri and Boram to be even better. They hardly get any lines, and all they do is dance and act pretty. I don't know if it's a form of strategy, but if it is, I don't think it's going so well. I'm sure both Qri and Boram fans are still firing at CCM for giving them a sentence each in their songs. They wanted to improve T-ara, they wanted them to go further, to gain more popularity. Don't add in new members that are more skilled than your original members. Don't abandon your original members, try spending more money on training staff on them rather than getting a whole new person (or 2).

Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. I don't even know where I stand anymore as a "fan"


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