Friday, September 7, 2012 @ 9:08 PM | 0 Comments

Wow another month over just like this. Where did the time go?! This would mark the 2nd month of our blog's birth! Woah that was quick! D: If you are new to this blog, welcome and remember to click those tabs at the very top to check out our monthly favourites! :D

Video: One of a Kind - G-Dragon
Another crazy video by G-Dragon. Dreadlocks, stabbing hearts, asian bears, Chanel tennis balls......this video is full of crazy stuff but hey, that is the One of a Kind G-Dragon for you!

Song: Rock Ur Body - Vixx
This rookie group is really impressing Rachel! 2 catchy title songs that got her replaying it over and over in less than 4 months. We are excited to see what this rookie group has to offer in the future!

Drama: Gentleman's Dignity/Gentleman's Class 
Omg how can anyone not like this show? It is like Boys over Flower's F4 but the 30 years later version of it! Even though there is only 1 member of the main cast below the age of 25, this drama showed that even without the idol actors/actressed (Though CN Blue's Jonghyun did do a great job as a supporting character), it can still make it because it is just so damn hilarious. Definitely a must watch!

Dish: Korean Hotpot
After having hotpots nearly everyday in Korea, Rachel has decided that this shall be the dish of the month! You will never get bored of the LARGE varieties of hotpots available out there! Seafood, pheasant, mushrooms, you name it, they have a hotpot for it.

Hottie: Yoo Ah In
We totally love him! Like Nazlin said, he's got natural swag. He is slowly coming up as an actor and we cannot wait to see more of him!

News: Actor Yoo Ah In reveals he is in a relationship
And then there is this news that shattered both our dreams. Sigh we are happy for you though! We wonder who that lucky girl is!!

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