Monday, September 10, 2012 @ 7:42 PM | 0 Comments

Finallyyyyyyy photos from the mother's camera! I still can't find the cable for the video cam though. Aiyoooooo.

You can check out a detailed post about Day 01 here!

Airport! Er the moment I saw those Korean signboards, I was all like "Omg guys Korean writings everywhere! We are in Korea for real omg Im so sleepy."


Look at me, working on that hideous cup.

Hahhahahahha I found this picture so funny. Why? I don't know. But this guy is so damn good at ice carving.

Oh yeah we got to drink out of them.

Deoksu Palace.

My youngest sister had a thing for posing or smiling strangely in picture throughout this whole will get what I mean later on.

First meal in Korea! Ma favourite Bulgogi.

The rain when we were shopping at Sincheon.

Nomnomnom. We bought some food and tea just so they won't kick us out into the rain ahha.

Shopping at the Jeju underground mall. Ignore my face but spot the albums and poster? :D

Dinner! Seafood hotpot. That my friends, is raw octopus at the top. It was still moving when they bought it to us D:

Andddddd our hotel in Jeju! (:




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