Friday, July 20, 2012 @ 9:23 PM | 0 Comments

Before I start, I'm just gonna rant a bit here. Every time I try to show someone a song from Glen Check, they either go "Ew, I don't listen to Kpop." or "I don't even understand shit!". Even after I say it's not Kpop, they will go "Who are you kidding? They have Korean names!" .......SERIOUSLY? Just cause it is music from Korea doesn't mean that it is Kpop. Besides, if you haven't tried listening to it, how would you know that it is not Kpop? And that they sing in English (Or French. Or they just don't sing)? And most importantly, how would you know whether you would like it or not? And guess what? After they listened to it, many of them actually liked it!

So yeah, now that I finally got that out of my system, I shall officially introduce you to my favourite Korean indie band ever, Glen Check.

The first time I came across them was when I heard of Disco Elevator last year? I don't really remember. It didn't really leave an impression because...I don't know I just didn't like it as much. It was just like "Oh they have indie bands like this in Korea? Cool!" and I kinda forgot about it :P Don't get me wrong, I did like the bass (I love bass.....yeah ♥) and the beat but it JUST didn't grow onto me. So after that it slipped out of my mind and I didn't hear about them until March this year when Haute Couture came out and Simon and Martina of eatyoukimchi included French Virgin Party and Battaile in their K-Crunch Indie Playlist.

Warning: If you are sensitive to flashing lights, don't watch this video.

After I heard French Virgin Party, I was INSTANTLY hooked. Maybe it was the beat. Maybe it was the bass. Maybe it was the cowbells. Maybe it was the funkiness of it. I just loved it. Everytime I listen to it, I feel like dancing around in my room. So I got hold of Haute Couture online and went through the whole thing. I rarely ever love ALL the songs in an album but for this, I did. I can't really choose a favourite in the album cause I kinda go crazy about one song for a period of time, then go crazy about another one. First it was French Virgin Party.

Warning: This too.

Then I moved on to replaying Naked Sun over and over again for weeks. This video makes me wanna attend one of their gigs. I loved the beginning when the ? and ! appeared with the beat. I loved it when the electric guitar entered. I loved the clapping beat. And my favourite part of the song? 2:38 mark. I love that part so so much. If I missed the beginning of it, I would actually go back just to listen to it again. Sometimes when I listen to this song, it kinda gives me the feeling that I'm a spy..on an enemy's action. Yeah....I'm so strange. MOVING ON!

I got into the Racket phase after Naked Sun. This song has a totally different feel compared to Naked Sun. It is less beat heavy? Less hardcore. But still good enough to make me bob my head to the beat. I love the chorus loads even though they said they came up with it when the drummer Jeon-Yeol (who I think left. I don't know why because I can't read the cyworld post they posted about this matter cause I can't enter and I can't understand what they want me to do to be able to access it since it's all in Korean) started saying the Korean vowels (ee ah ae) when he was drunk. How interesting. I love the video too!
Now I'm currently into Au Revoir. This song is also totally different in terms of style compared to the last three songs I've mentioned. This is what I love about this album. It's a mixture of everything. This song is more on the electronic side. And it's in FRENCH! Though I can't understand shit even after that 3 months of French in the beginning of year 8.

Here is the tracklist for Haute Couture if you would like to check out the rest of the album:

1. Naked Sun
2. Vogue Boys and Girls
3. French Virgin Party
4. The Flashback
5. Rebellion
6. Battaille!
7. Au Revoir
8. Concorde
9. 60's Concorde
10. Racket
11. Vivid (Owl City fans may like this!)

I hope you guys like this album as much as I did! I'm going to go on a hunt for this album when I'm in Korea next month (I actually don't know if they even sell physical copies....Gonna go ask June-one on Facebook. That's right, I have him on Facebook. *End of fangirling*). But like June-One said (Or what MTViggy translated) "If you like it, listen to it. If you don't, then fuck off."


Edit: And here is the tracklist for Disco Elevator cause I just listened to the other tracks and absolutely loved it!

1. Addicted
2. Disco Elevator
3. Metro (I LOVE THIS ONE! The vocals are just ♥.♥)
4. Dressing Room
5. Dressing Room (Acoustic)
6. Metro (Acoustic) (Itunes Bonus)

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