Sunday, August 5, 2012 @ 11:25 PM | 0 Comments

Feel like showing off a bit hehe. It's not a huge collection, just a few that I bought because of one of these reasons:
1) I like more than half the songs in the album
2) It was cheap
3) Super Junior
Some of them I had people bringing them back from Korea while the rest I bought them at Rock Corner or Speedy. If you only like the ones made in Korea, I suggest you don't buy your stuff from Speedy because they tend to have more different versions (I would get to that later on).

TADAH! So here it is, my collection so far after 3 years. Not too crazy right? :P All of them are bought with my own money excluding the U-Kiss one which was a gift from my aunt. She bought it all the way in Korea! I also have 3 second hand ones (SHINee 2009 Year of Us, B2ST Shock and SJ M Super Girl) that I bought from a friend when she was selling all her albums.

One thing though, not all of these are the original ones. And by that I mean not produced in Korea. There are a lot of albums that are either printed in Taiwan or Malaysia and I got a few of those. Before that I didn't really know and I thought all of them were the same but I don't really mind. But if you don't want to miss out on some of the photo books or photocards, buy the ones printed in Korea. I have 5 that I am sure that are made in Korea.

And to confirm whether your copy of the CD is made in Korea, just look for this gold sticker. Or compare the price. Imported ones are always more than 60 ringgit.

More than half of my collection aren't the original ones actually :P

Quite easy to tell if they are made in other countries. The price will be cheaper generally, most probably won't exceed 60 ringgit (based on the ones I got) and they have these written at the bottom.

SO yeah. That's my collection. My sister's though, is larger (and more expensive) than mine. Before I start, I'm sorry for taking pictures of your stuff. I tried putting them back in their original places. Please don't kill me. OKAY MOVING ON!

She has a lot of SM albums.

Look at her Super Junior collection! D: She even bought all version A, B and C of Bonamana. And look at that latest buy of hers. Isn't it beautiful? It was so expensive though. ): Still haven't convinced her to trade her Donghae photo card with me.

Her SHINee ones.

Omg I was so jealous when she got this. It was almost 200 ringgit I think but my dad got it for her as a birthday present? Wait, I think she paid half of it, not sure. But woah it was so thick and the photo book was HUGE!

Her beloved Infinite. She got Be Mine from Korea I think.

One of the nice album covers EVER!

Yeap! That's all we have in this household. Hoping to add a few more when I get back from Korea. Less than a week! :D :D :D


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