Friday, August 10, 2012 @ 8:51 PM | 0 Comments

I always found it hard to choose that ONE song to show my non-Kpop friends and try to 'convert' them into liking Kpop. Kpop songs (well the older ones) are still quite different from the mainstream music in US or UK, so in today's post I will try to compile a list of more....normal songs (to the non Kpop people that is) to introduce to your friends if you are trying to get them to like Kpop!

Some tips to keep in mind when you are trying to introduce Kpop songs to the beginners:
- Try to find songs without MAJOR Engrish (eg Make a love baby, IN THE CUBE). These songs are a bad idea if you have friends who act like grammar Nazis.
- Never show them the music videos. Things like the guyliners, dancing pretty boys (or girls but just mainly the boys) and tight pants take some time at getting used to. They might get mentally scarred during the first few seconds of the MV and you will lose your chance at turning them into a fellow Kpop-er.
- Try avoiding the use an SM's title song as the introductory song. SM's title songs are quite...over the top and not so usual in a non Kpop-er's dictionary. All of Super Junior's title songs were a bad idea, so were most of SHINee's title songs. I think to like these song, you need to have somewhat of a 'Kpop background'. Like take Ring Ding Dong for example. Before I was into Kpop, I thought it sounded terrible and hated it. Now that I am into Kpop, I found it somewhat normal. Weird I know but that's how it is.
-You can't go wrong with ballads. Well ballads are normally the same right, Kpop or not? I haven't heard of some crazy ballads so I might be wrong.
- Ask that person what their favourite songs are and try to find Kpop songs that are similar. I've been using this way recently and it's the most successful ahaha.

Disclaimer: The following list may not even work because I have lost all senses of how a 'normal' song even sounds like since I've stop listening to English songs (with the exception of Muse and a little Temper Trap) for nearly 3 years. But you must know I tried my best.

Ultimate list to successful conversion (in no specific order)
1. Beautiful Night - B2ST
2. The Fact - B2ST
3. Tonight - Big Bang
4. Lies - Big Bang
5. In My Head - CN Blue
6. Lie - CN Blue
7. 못해 - 4Men
8. Baby Goodnight - GD&TOP
9. My Heart is Beating - K.Will
10. Replay - SHINee
11. Hot Times - SM the Ballad
12. It's You - Super Junior
13. Coagulation - Super Junior
14. Wedding Dress - Taeyang (Everyone seems to know this song so it might work!)
15. Before U Go - TVXQ
16. Mirotic - TVXQ (Quite a lot of my non Kpop friends know this song...strange but give it a try too!)
17. They Are Coming - Wheesung
18. This Song - 2AM
19. Without You - 2PM (This song got me into Kpop. I was so against it and this got me into it. Might be the magic potion to all conversion.)
20. I Am The Best - 2NE1

So fellow Kpop-ers, go out there and spread the Kpop loooooooove


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