Tuesday, July 31, 2012 @ 9:01 PM | 0 Comments

Quick rant okay. SO today my sister bought Super Junior's Sexy, Free and Single Album and inside she got 2 instead of the usual 1 photocards. SO LUCKY RIGHT? Wait there is more. Guess who she got? DONGHAE and THE GROUP ONE! WADDAHECK!

So I offered to trade her Donghae photocard with my EXO-M Xiumin photocard since Xiumin is her favourite in EXO-M but NOOOO she wants to keep both of them. I've never gotten any of my favourites' photocard before (if you dont include group ones cause I have the whole 12 members group one from EXO ♥) ): And she has Sungmin and Yunho who are both her favourites from their group. Akjdnakjsndiueirb life is so unfair.

Cry (,cry can you feel the music. Is it okay if I still make T-ara references? Maybe this should be the last in case there are some T-ara haters out there) )': Not gonna give up. Maybe I should offer some cash or be her slave along with the photocard.


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@ 8:40 PM | 0 Comments

It has been nearly a month since we had this blog! *sprinkles confetti* So like we said before, we will post up what we loved (or not) during the month of July with links to it/things related to it at the tabs above! Click it, click it!

Video: Psy - Gangnam Style

How often do you see dancing kids, grooving horses, fat guys in sauna, explosions, disco bus, Yoo Jaesuk, Noh Hongchul, Hyuna and EHHHHHHH SEXY LADEH(s) in ONE videos? Mm, seldom. Now don't bother us while we dance to this. OP OP OP OP OPPA GANGNAM STYLE!

Song: Beast - Midnight
This song sounded better than Beautiful Night which was their title song for their latest album to be honest. Super catchy!

Drama: Big
Okay before we continue, it was Rachel's favourite, UNTIL THE LAST 2 EPISODES. This drama was really interesting and the whole body switch (that was so overdone) was done pretty well should we say. Wasn't too crazy with the fantasy side. Rachel was excited to see how the end would be but we will leave it to you to decide whether they did it well.

Dish: Japchae
Nazlin is currently fasting so I shall be the one commenting on this. I actually JUST tried this today and I totally loved it so K FOOD OF THE MONTH (maybe cause this is the only korean dish I had this month :3)

Hottie: Gong Yoo
Rachel would love to keep Simon in this category forever but she will not be so selfish. For a 33 year old man, he sure is hot. And he was so lovable in Big. Oh and ABS.

News: T-ara Controversy
OOH we were so sure Nichkhun's whole DUI case would definitely be the the news of the month but looks like the whole controversy T-ara stirred up these few days ago deserved this spot more! Oo catty!

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@ 4:33 PM | 0 Comments

cutest. thing. ever.

future entertainer right there. so cute ahhahahahha and look it at Tasha at the back

So adorable. haih, kay, I'll stop being a creeper now. 


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@ 4:25 PM | 0 Comments

I apologise too for not posting for almost a week! I don't really have an excuse though..haha. But today, I have a couple of things lined up for our super readers, so I hope you guys enjoy it!

While I was MIA-ing, I stumbled across a familiar but less known (to myself only, not the public) couple, and they are Yoon Mi Rae/Tasha Reid and Tiger JK (of Drunken Tiger). I've seen them around before, mainly Running Man and We Got Married where they were guesting in Khuntoria's section. I didn't think much of them, and I didn't really bother looking them up. I decided to look them up, and let me tell you, it was such a shame I didn't look them up before.

A brief history behind each of them:
Tiger JK was previously in a Hip Hop group called Drunken Tiger. As far as I know, back in those days, this group was pretty big in the Hip Hop scene as they were seen as the group that started the whole Korean hip hop. He suffers from a disorder called Transverse Myelitis, and if you click on the link, it'll lead you to a wiki page explaining what it is. I know wiki pages shouldn't be used, but hey, this is just a general outline. Point is, he has been living with an incurable disease for half his life, that may or may not have affected his career, but yet he still can go on. (pretty inspiring if you ask me..hehehe)

Yoon Mi Rae, also known as Tasha Reid is of African American and Korean descant. She grew up (both of them actually) in the US and suffered that whole racist thing going on at that time (well, even now I guess) Right now, she's my favourite female rapper, because no one has as much swag as Tasha. They also have a son together named Jordan who is SO CUTE I JUST WANT TO EAT HIM ALREADY. (He's also got a fro!)

Today's post will be mainly on Tasha because I've searched more of her songs up compared to Tiger JK/Drunken Tiger songs. The songs that I will be posting would be my ultimate favourites of course :) There are other albums I still have yet to go through, so please bare with me.

1. Get it in (ft. Smokey Robotic) (eng ver.)


2. Goodbye Sadness, Hello Happiness

Despite the cheesy title, I love the composition of this song. I'm a big sucker for slow songs, but give it a listen anyway! Tasha, I realised is one of those "double talent" people. She can sing and rap pretty well. It's very uncommon in my opinion to have a person be able to pull off both higher than a satisfactory level. (The only other person I know that can do both well is Ailee. Check her out doing a full cover of Beast's Rainy days if you haven't yet)

3. Because I love you (ft. Bobby Kim) (eng ver.)

This one is really mellow-ish and I think it's perfect for a day just chilling/relaxing. :) Nice harmonising as well!

4. Black Happiness

This one actually made me tear up. This song tells the story of the hardships she had to go through growing up as a mix of African American and Korean. Yeah, it's in korean, so that's why I searched up the lyrics. Here it is:

My skin was dark from my past
People used to point at me
Even at my mom Even at my dad who was black, and in the army
People whisper behind my back
Said this and said that
I always had tears in my eyes
Although I was young
I saw my mother's sadness

seemed like it was my fault
Because of my guilt
I washed my face everytime during the day
With my tears I melt the white soap
I always hated my dark skin
why O why
Does the world judge me
When I hate the world
I close my eyes

I put my soul into the music my father gave me
I feel the volume
And fly higher and higher
Far away
la musique

(When I hate the world)
(Music soothes me)
(you gotta hold on)
(and love yourself)
(When I hate the world)
(Music raises me up)
(so you gotta be strong)
(you gotta hold on)
(and love yourself)

Time passed and I was thirteen
My skin was dark brown
Music doesn't judge color
They give me light
I lead my music
We lean on eachother
I don't feel lonely
Then one day
I was given a chance
I held on to my microphone

And suddenly I was on stage
I say goodbye to music and ask it to come back
Then I became nineteen
I have to lie
I put white makeup over my face
They told me to wear a mask
They said my mom's race was okay
But not my dad's
Every year my age was nineteen
During times when time stopped

I felt like I was in jail
And I leaned on myself
I spent endless, painful days
I ignored their warnings
And because I missed music
I tried to escape
But no, I got caught
I prayed all night
And now I'm free

I don't normally post lyrics up with songs, but this was too meaningful for me not to. I also like how in the MV at the beginning she goes "mum! yo mum!" hahah so cute. And right at the end, when the dad does a voice over thing and he repeats after her, saying " Tasha Appa eemida" or however you spell it. Too cute.

5. What's up Mr. Good Stuff

I like the Jazzy feel of this, and the use of instruments (mainly the sax, I admit hahah)

6. Pay Day

This one is kind of repetitive, but I wanted to put this one in because of her awesome stage presence. I love how she can get the whole audience so up and going, it's quite exciting. I also absolutely love the part at the end when she goes "ALL AHJUMMA GET CRUNK!" hahhahahaha

The last thing I want to mention that I JUST looked up is a song by drunken tiger called "good life" I can't seem to get the uploader going, so if you click here and here, you can watch the performances. One of them is an acoustic version ft Eun Ji Won and the other is a live stage. I know I said earlier that this was going to be about Tasha, but this song highlights her amazing rapping skills. Eun Ji Won is so funny as well. ahhaha

That's about it for now, I hope more people would appreciate hip hop more now because I certainly do! Not that I would go all hip hop, but still, it's like Rachel and her love for K-Indie. Except mine is just...K Hip-hop. (or Kip Kop as I would like to call it)


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Monday, July 30, 2012 @ 8:40 PM | 0 Comments

Sorry for the lack of posts! Finally starting on some work so I haven't really had the time to come up with some interesting posts! But tomorrow we will be having our monthly favourites so look out for that!

Anyhow, back to work now. Driving theory test tomorrow. Let's pass this shall we?



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Thursday, July 26, 2012 @ 8:29 PM | 0 Comments

I don't think Tablo falls into the indie category but I don't really think he falls into the Kpop category either. Probably more on the Korean Hip Hop category. Before this album, I was never really into rap or hip hop. I just didn't really enjoy it so I never really delved into K hip hop.

So one day late last year I was minding my own business and I saw an article about his new album Fever's End so I thought "Hey let's give it a listen." and DUN DUN DUN instant loveeeeee! This album is so full of emotions because he wrote it during his hiatus when the whole Tajinyo controversy broke out (You can read about it here.). You must watch the video above where he talked about how the album was created and you will understand the meaning behind each song. So much feels. I love it even though all some of them are a little depressing (I FEED OFF PEOPLE'S DESPAIR MUAHAHAH no I'm just kidding) but at least it's not about those cheesy love shiz going on nowadays. I won't review all 10 songs in this album but I will talk about a few of my personal favourites and some that stood out more.

Airbag was the first song I heard and the moment the song started, I was in love. Naul's (from Brown Eyed Soul) voice is just so soothing. This song is about lonely people around the world, needing someone or something to fall into (eg. an airbag) when they feel lonely and depressed. These are all what I got from the translated version of the lyrics since I can only understand a little Korean so if I got the wrong idea, I am really sorry.

Tide is my favourite from the whole album. Like Tablo said, students like me (or us) relate most to it. The lyrics for this was just BAM on the dot, just what I am feeling. I really love this song. It's also my current caller ringtone (Joo Oh said it was creepy after she called me one day ahaaahhaha) hehe. But like I said again and again, I feel like I can really related to this song.

Home is..Wow. Lee Sora's voice is so hauntingly beautiful it's amazing. The lyrics for this was like the story of how he felt during the controversyand how he wanted people to leave his family alone, out of this whole thing.

Dear TV is the only English song in this album. Tablo said that this was his letter to the TV or I would say the media in general. I think the last sentence "Don't act like you know me cause you recognize me, you sell my records not me." to me felt like it was also referring to all the people who doubted his degree (again read about his controversy) but I might not be right.

Expired is like the Tide of Fever's End Part 2 for me. Not because I can relate to the lyrics (because it is about people reaching their peak fearing of falling after that and I am no where near successful) but the melody of the songs makes me feel the same way like Tide did. Possibly my favourite of Part 2 but Dear TV is also fighting for that spot.

Tomorrow is probably the one that sounds most mainstream? More like a kpop song but not exactly and it's not because Taeyang is in it. Not my favourite but it's still good.

Bad (ft Jinsil)

From the Bottom (ft Bumkey)


Thanks for Breathing (ft. Yankie, Bong Tae Gyu)

I wish you all who are reading this give this album a try even if you are not into hip hop or Korean songs in general and really try to read the lyrics (that's why I posted most of the vids with the translated lyrics on it hehe) because I think that it deserves more attention than it got.


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Wednesday, July 25, 2012 @ 10:44 AM | 0 Comments

Omg watching the last episode of Big whuuuut. Cannot accept this! Might write a general review about it...or maybe not and just include it in the drama of the month.

ps. Hyuk Jun of Glen Check accepted my friend request! UHYEAH VICTORY DANCE!

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012 @ 10:53 PM | 0 Comments

Today's indie artist would be more on the depressing sounding side. I'm not saying that they are all depressing songs but it's more on the slow and chilled side.

So eAeon, the start of my korean indie music adventure. I was never into the Korean indie scene since all of the indie songs I heard before discovery him were those cutesy bunny stuff which weren't really my thing. But then bam! Discovered him and now I'm quite into Korean indie (well, the cutesy stuff are still a no for me. Sorry.)

This was the song that had drawn me into eAeon. This song starts of slow but at 1:30 the beat comes in and wooo wonderful things happen! The static-y kinda sound is also really interesting. And you know what I love best? THE MUSIC VIDEO! Why? Because it is a stop motion video DAVID HOCKNEY STYLE!! He is an artist for those who don't know who he is and he did some cubism photography that you guys should totally check out! Hehe sorry for being excited, it's just that I used him as an artist reference for my art exam last year. ANYWAY MOVING ON!

Bulletproof is not my favourite song by him though. 너는 자고 (You Were Sleeping or You Should Sleep. Something along those lines according to my Korean friend Joo Oh :D) has to be my favourite. Some of you might find it boring but I love repetitive stuff like this :P It has a bit of static sound in the chorus which Bulletproof had and it is so simple. Just guitar, bass and some finger snapping.

나의 기념일 (My Anniversary) is also another favourite. Simple and slow (and depressing sounding). Just what I love :D This song actually made me wanna learn how to play a guitar.

슬픈 마네킹 (Sad Mannequin) was the second song I heard from him and was what made me want to download the whole album.

Recently, Lena Park released an album and one song got me jumping in excitement because it was a collab with eAeon! Their voices are just so soothing. I loved their harmonizing too. Love! Been replaying it these few days.

Can't wait till he makes a comeback! But for now I will settle with Guilt-Free.
Like always, here is the tracklist for Guilt-Free if you want to check out more of his stuff.

1. Bulletproof
2. 너는 자고
3. SCLC (Sugar Caffeine Liquid Cloud)
4. 세상이 끝나려고해
5. Drug
6. 나의기념일
7. 창문 자동차 사과 모자
8. 5 in 4
9.  슬픈 마네킹


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Monday, July 23, 2012 @ 11:52 PM | 0 Comments

As you guys probably can already tell, I love ponytails. On guys. Yeah, don't judge. Not all guys though, only some guys. So yeah, here I am to show you some of my favourite ponytails in Kpop historyyyy!

Lee Taemin, of course we are going to start with this boy. He was the reason why I love ponytails! BUT! I only like his ponytail from the Lucifer era. His Sherlock ponytail didn't do it for me. Maybe cause it was a bit too long.

Then, Infinite came back with Before the Dawn and maknae Sungjong was sporting a ponytail too! After that, I was pretty sure about my love for ponytails.

I mean, why not? Look at Kim Bum. How hot does he look with his ponytail? Very. Maybe the abs helped a bit but still.

How about some Joon ponytail? Not really noticeable but it is there!

Or Sungyeol ponytail (and 6 piercings ♥)? He should've kept it. It looked so good on him ):

Jungshin's ponytail is good too. He has he best hair in CN Blue honestly (Sorry Jonghyun, I still love you ♥). And he plays the bass heyy! 

Chanyeol should keep this ponytail and this ponytail only. I hate that straight version. It's just too.......girlish.

Hongbin from rookie group VIXX is looking good with his ponytail too!

And of course, no ponytail list is complete without some Super Junior ponytails!

To be honest, this even close to half of my ponytail collection but hey, keeping it short (: PONYTAILS


cr: images do not belong to me

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@ 12:08 AM | 0 Comments

Just read Nazlin's post below about the Big 3. I too read this article today and I fully agree with what they said.

They were totally right about how SM has this "system", where they create groups based on the same "criteria" just because they worked previously. Like for example, Super Junior. When Sorry, Sorry came out, it was so successful (I won't need to state how successful exactly because I am pretty sure all of you know how big it was eg. every time Kpop was mentioned you would hear Sorry, sorry) that SM used that reason to produce 2 consecutive title songs in the same style as Sorry, Sorry. But was it successful? No, cause people got bored of it. Or maybe Girls' Generation even. Super Junior was a success, create a girl version of it. I'm not saying that they are TOTALLY similar. There are of course differences in some music styles or images but the concept is the same: A group of good looking people who hare talented.

Another thing mentioned was the amount of investment and effort they put into debuting a new group. I'm pretty sure you guys know how much hype was created for EXO's debut. 24 teasers and all that, definitely got people excited. I know cause I was so so excited for this group. I wasn't disappointed with their debut, not at all. But they reminded me of Super Junior and maybe that was why they didn't stand out to some people. But look at B.A.P. They debuted a few months before EXO but they were making it to the top 20s and top 10 even in music shows like Music Bank, Inkigayo etc. EXO peaked at around 20 something in Music Bank on the first week before falling all the way to 40 something and eventually didn't even make it to the top 50. It's sad to see this happen because they are not bad, heck they are so talented! But it was just that they didn't stand out as much as certain rookie groups did in terms concept and uniqueness.

JYP.....he produces all the songs. Which means a group will always have the SAME style all the time. Would anyone disagree with me if I said all of 2PM's title songs are nearly the same?

YG, they seldom appear on other broadcasting stations other than SBS. Which is true because how often have you seen any YG artists perform on Music Bank or appear on vareity shows on other stations? This is quite dissapointing because if some other fans around the world (like me) could only tune to a broadcasting station which is not SBS, they would not be able to see Big Bang or 2NE1 a lot because they just don't appear on them. How are you going to keep your fanbase yo?

I'm not saying that these companies aren't great and I'm sure that was not what Star Today was saying either but these are some of the weaknesses or mistakes should I say, that these 3 companies are making which would jeopardize their idol groups' popularity in the long run.


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Sunday, July 22, 2012 @ 6:03 PM | 0 Comments

Written by Korean media outlet, Star Today, pointing out the weaknesses of the “Big 3″ South Korean entertainment agencies.
"SM Entertainment, JYP Entertainment, and YG Entertainment are the so-called “Big 3” entertainment agencies of South Korea. With extensive planning, funding and tactical marketing, they possess a significant portion of equity in the music industry. However, even they have inevitable weaknesses.
To start out, SM’s weakness lies in its extremely rigid system. After its release of male idol group, H.O.T., SM has focused on “blockbuster” idols that can be well showcased. Although systematically built on the ideal idol image, overseas music trends, chic styling, and massive amounts of publicity, the SM system is still vulnerable to that ‘1% of unpredictability’. The reason being that in the case of popular music, just ‘having the secret potion and knowing the magic spell’, does not necessarily produce a hit song.

An example of this case would be newly debuted boy group, EXO. Displaying good looks, outstanding talent, endless publicity starting 100 days before their big debut, lyrics appealing to teens, and large scale music, the group possessed the formula for success, yet was unable to see results up to par with expectations.

Surprisingly enough, it was because they possessed all of the ideal elements which resulted in evaluations stating that the group does not stand out among the plethora of idol groups. Being so “typical” can display the group as lacking their own unique color. This is where SM’s “bold investments” can hinder the success of its’ artists, because the greater the investment, the greater the pressure is to bring in revenue. If going by the statement, ‘It is not the strong that survive, but rather the ones that survive are strong’, then with exception to BoA, there are no “strong” artists.

On the other hand, JYP’s biggest weakness lies in the head of the agency himself, Park Jin Young. His signature ‘simple yet catchy’ songs are the reasons why the Wonder Girls, 2PM, Miss A, and others are considered representatives of K-Pop; however all of the title songs have been his creations. Although it is said that Park Jin Young’s songs are picked even against the collection of songs the A&R team has compiled, they cannot deny the fact the at least three of the agency’s artists have yet to promote a title song produced by anyone other than Park Jin Young.

The biggest problem musically would be that because the songs are produced by one individual, all of the songs can generally sound similar. Even in the case of 2PM’s Wooyoung, whose individuality should shine through his debut as a solo artist, one cannot help but notice the stylistic similarity of his recently revealed title song to the songs of 2PM.

Although it could be seen as a “direction of enterprise”, it can unintentionally be crippling for idol groups who are always searching for new images that appeal to audiences. In reality, six year veteran idol group Wonder Girls have yet to break out of the retro concept they created early on with songs, “Tell Me”, “So Hot”, and “Nobody”.

Last but not least, YG’s biggest weakness can be noted in their very closed system of communication. This can be seen in their relationships with broadcasting companies. YG entertainment has a particularly strong relationship with SBS compared to its relationships with KBS and MBC. Debut stages and appearances on SBS’s ‘Inkigayo’ are always a priority for groups such as Big Bang and 2NE1. As a result, KBS and MBC can seem somewhat neglected in comparison.

When this problem turns from a simple music program problem, to the discrimination of all variety and entertainment programs, it makes it even more difficult for all other broadcasters other than SBS. SBS in reality, exclusively enjoys appearances by YG artists. During the time of Big Bang’s comeback, the broadcast station arranged an hour long special program for the group, who also appeared on many of its major variety programs, such as ‘Healing Camp’, ‘Running Man’, and ‘You & I’.

This is the case not just with television, but also with newspapers, magazines, and other media. It may not be a big problem for artists that have reached a certain level of success; however that is not the case for new artists. The smallest negative matters brought up by sides that are not “alliances”, can cause a fatal blow on up and coming artists.
Another significant setback is that the agency is highly dependent on one artist, Big Bang. In the year 2010, Big Bang was responsible for a whopping 70.1% of YG entertainment’s total sales. This could mean that YG is more focused on Big Bang than any of its other artists, but it can also mean that if a problem were to occur with the group, the whole company could be at stake."

 After reading this article, it made me realise that it is pretty true. I don't know much about YG Entertainment, but for both JYP and SME, I seem to agree to. There is a whole lot of other things I'd like to point out as well, like how most SME songs are actual crap, but the fact that they're performed by artists which are relatively good, or should I say well loved, they don't seem too bad. Mind you, I say most songs, not all because there are some pretty damn good ones that they've produced as well.

I think at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter which entertainment company you debut under, because as long as you yourself is good, you won't need masses and masses of advertisement, or that "brand" name that you've debuted under to help you get far. Brilliant examples would be IU, Ailee and Infinite.

What do you guys think?


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@ 4:57 PM | 0 Comments

I don't know if any of you know, but I'm a huge fan of anything that has a good dance routine to it. This, dear readers, is an amazing example.

I think most of the SM main choreographers are in this, and I just..I don't even know what to say. This is just going to be a shit review, because I just love the dance so much it overpowers everything else.

Well, can I just say that BoA is an amazing dancer, and I sort of expected her to be one since she's been in the industry for aggggeessss and has gotten plenty of training already. Her hair here is also <3. dance dance dance. The song is pretty cool too, but the dance. The dance.

updated: I just saw the teaser MV for the original version (the one I've posted is the Dance version) AND YOO AH IN IS IN IT BABY. I can't wait :)

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@ 4:20 PM | 0 Comments

I would just like to dedicate this post to my first ever bias in kpop history, Mr. Lee Taemin.

It was his birthday not too long ago, and although I thought of making a post to wish him, the lazy side of me took over, and I never got around to actually doing it. So, here is my short happy birthday post to him!

I first fell in love with the guy during SHINee's promotions of Lucifer. That was the big BAM BAM BAM HORMONES FLYING LEFT RIGHT CENTRE BOTTOM EVERYWHERE. yeah. It wasn't just the hair that caught my eye, it was his dancing skills, his forever charismatic stare into the audience, his strong moves. At first he didn't have enough lines during song promos, but I had faith in him. I knew he could sing after watching a fancam of an old concert where he covered for  Jonghyun's screamo/belting out high note bit. From then on, I fell in love with him. I didn't have to wait long for him to prove to everyone that he could sing too. He was casted for Immortal Song2, which if any of you don't know, a lot of very well established singers go on and compete with each other every week. He was amazing, absolutely amazing. I think the fact that he was promoted as a dancer, just made me love him  even more.

Ok, well enough of my long history of how I came to know this beautiful creature. I don't care that he's too skinny, I don't care that he's got a small frame, and I don't care that SME always gives him the weirdest, most ridiculous hairstyles ever. He's Taemin, and six pack or not, he'll always be my number one <3

Just saw it as one of those hot topics things. Apparently some people even left the fandom just because of this. Some people need a wake up call. geez.

Happy belated 19th birthday Taemin!


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@ 3:40 PM | 0 Comments

Here I am, writing this post at 1 am in the morning immediately after I gave the whole album a listen. Okay gonna be honest. This mini-album, I didn't love it but I didn't hate it either. It was just..okay. I was totally in love with Fiction and Fact. It was those rare albums where I liked every song. This one though I kinda only liked about half the album.

When they released Midnight a week before, I was so excited and it didn't disappoint me! It was catchy and got me humming along to it after the first time listening to it. So I thought "Wow, if Midnight is already so good, does that mean that the mini-album would be amazing?!" Sadly, not really.

Beautiful Night is the title song for Midnight Sun. It was really different from Fiction. Beautiful Night is more of a dance party kinda song. It's fun! I was totally grooving to it the whole time and it was one of those song where you can easily memorise the tune after the first time. Still though, as a title song........it's okay. I prefer Midnight.

Then we have It's Not Me, which in my opinion has a REALLY interesting start. I think my sister and I both agreed that it sounded a bit like a snake charmer's tune. It got a little better in the middle but I didn't really enjoy this song.

When I Miss You is a really nice ballad. Really chilled. Dongwoon gets to sing in the chorus *claps in glee*. I really liked the kinda rap-y singing after the chorus. I like this!

AND we have another song with a super funky start. The background tune for The Day You Rest made me imagine colourful bouncy balls bouncing around in a white room. I don't know why. Maybe you guys should give it a listen and tell me what you see in your mind while this was playing. Not really my thing either.

Dream Girl...I can't decide whether I like this yet. I loved the guitar at the beginning, it was quite interesting. It has a little of an R&B vibe? (Don't kill me if I got the genre wrong. I can't differentiate. That's why I seldom mention genres when I review songs. Sorry!) I'm still deciding for this but I think I'm leaning towards the good half of it.

I think the reason why I was dissapointed with this mini-album was because I really had my hopes high after Fiction and Fact. That album pretty much set the bar high since I totally LOVED Fiction and had it on replay for nearly 2 months (Explains the 600 over playcounts it got). It was even my caller ringtone at one point so you can tell how much I liked it. The rest of the songs in the album were also really nice and I liked all of them. So I kinda expected the same for this mini-album but I guess they were experimenting with different styles for this, which I think is not a bad thing cause some things get boring after awhile. It's not a bad mini-album, not at all. It's just..I didn't like it as much as I thought I would.

Rating: 3.7/5


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Saturday, July 21, 2012 @ 11:48 PM | 0 Comments

OMG IT'S OUT! Gonna go listen to it now and see how I like it. I totally loved Fiction and Fact. LOVED. So I hope this will not disappoint me.

Expect a review soon!


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Friday, July 20, 2012 @ 9:23 PM | 0 Comments

Before I start, I'm just gonna rant a bit here. Every time I try to show someone a song from Glen Check, they either go "Ew, I don't listen to Kpop." or "I don't even understand shit!". Even after I say it's not Kpop, they will go "Who are you kidding? They have Korean names!" .......SERIOUSLY? Just cause it is music from Korea doesn't mean that it is Kpop. Besides, if you haven't tried listening to it, how would you know that it is not Kpop? And that they sing in English (Or French. Or they just don't sing)? And most importantly, how would you know whether you would like it or not? And guess what? After they listened to it, many of them actually liked it!

So yeah, now that I finally got that out of my system, I shall officially introduce you to my favourite Korean indie band ever, Glen Check.

The first time I came across them was when I heard of Disco Elevator last year? I don't really remember. It didn't really leave an impression because...I don't know I just didn't like it as much. It was just like "Oh they have indie bands like this in Korea? Cool!" and I kinda forgot about it :P Don't get me wrong, I did like the bass (I love bass.....yeah ♥) and the beat but it JUST didn't grow onto me. So after that it slipped out of my mind and I didn't hear about them until March this year when Haute Couture came out and Simon and Martina of eatyoukimchi included French Virgin Party and Battaile in their K-Crunch Indie Playlist.

Warning: If you are sensitive to flashing lights, don't watch this video.

After I heard French Virgin Party, I was INSTANTLY hooked. Maybe it was the beat. Maybe it was the bass. Maybe it was the cowbells. Maybe it was the funkiness of it. I just loved it. Everytime I listen to it, I feel like dancing around in my room. So I got hold of Haute Couture online and went through the whole thing. I rarely ever love ALL the songs in an album but for this, I did. I can't really choose a favourite in the album cause I kinda go crazy about one song for a period of time, then go crazy about another one. First it was French Virgin Party.

Warning: This too.

Then I moved on to replaying Naked Sun over and over again for weeks. This video makes me wanna attend one of their gigs. I loved the beginning when the ? and ! appeared with the beat. I loved it when the electric guitar entered. I loved the clapping beat. And my favourite part of the song? 2:38 mark. I love that part so so much. If I missed the beginning of it, I would actually go back just to listen to it again. Sometimes when I listen to this song, it kinda gives me the feeling that I'm a spy..on an enemy's island...in action. Yeah....I'm so strange. MOVING ON!

I got into the Racket phase after Naked Sun. This song has a totally different feel compared to Naked Sun. It is less beat heavy? Less hardcore. But still good enough to make me bob my head to the beat. I love the chorus loads even though they said they came up with it when the drummer Jeon-Yeol (who I think left. I don't know why because I can't read the cyworld post they posted about this matter cause I can't enter and I can't understand what they want me to do to be able to access it since it's all in Korean) started saying the Korean vowels (ee ah ae) when he was drunk. How interesting. I love the video too!

Now I'm currently into Au Revoir. This song is also totally different in terms of style compared to the last three songs I've mentioned. This is what I love about this album. It's a mixture of everything. This song is more on the electronic side. And it's in FRENCH! Though I can't understand shit even after that 3 months of French in the beginning of year 8.

Here is the tracklist for Haute Couture if you would like to check out the rest of the album:

1. Naked Sun
2. Vogue Boys and Girls
3. French Virgin Party
4. The Flashback
5. Rebellion
6. Battaille!
7. Au Revoir
8. Concorde
9. 60's Concorde
10. Racket
11. Vivid (Owl City fans may like this!)

I hope you guys like this album as much as I did! I'm going to go on a hunt for this album when I'm in Korea next month (I actually don't know if they even sell physical copies....Gonna go ask June-one on Facebook. That's right, I have him on Facebook. *End of fangirling*). But like June-One said (Or what MTViggy translated) "If you like it, listen to it. If you don't, then fuck off."


Edit: And here is the tracklist for Disco Elevator cause I just listened to the other tracks and absolutely loved it!

1. Addicted
2. Disco Elevator
3. Metro (I LOVE THIS ONE! The vocals are just ♥.♥)
4. Dressing Room
5. Dressing Room (Acoustic)
6. Metro (Acoustic) (Itunes Bonus)

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Thursday, July 19, 2012 @ 8:07 PM | 1 Comments

Disclaimer: These are ALL my own opinions (obviously) and if you don't agree...sorry but no one has the same taste in guys right? Also, my ranking pretty much changes based on when groups are promoting or whenever they appear on different shows so don't be surprised if I give you a totally different answer when you ask me another day.

1. Simon (Dalmatian)
I think most of you probably already know who would be my number 1. After all, I've been raving about him for months! This half Korean half Japanese man is just so attractive it hurts.
Sigh where should I start? Those abs of his?

How bout his arms?

No, no, no, that jawline?

Maybe how he looks so sexy on stage all the time?

Or when he looks so sincere during fan signs?

Argh I love everything about him!
Don't you just love that light brown eyes of his? If we get married, we would have light brown eyed babies. LOL

I love how he has he little cute moments.

I love how he can dance

I love how he can speak English (Cause he grew up in Seattle. Also, WE CAN COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER!!) and Japanese.

 (Simon's part starts at about the 0:29 mark. He sounds so hot speaking Japanese. Side note: Daniel's English accent was so fail but so adorable!)

I love his laugh.

I love how he looks good in glasses.

I love how he can run too! He got gold for 100m and silver for 110 hurdles in the recent Idol Star Athletic Championship. D:

And lastly, I love THAT EVER CHANGING HAIR COLOUR!!!! The blond, the blue-ish purple (OMG IT WAS MY FAV ), the grey and back to blond again.

Marry me?

So yeah, that wraps up my top 10 list! Sorry if the last few posts were a bit more picture heavy. I guess I got a bit too excited when it became closer to my top 5 heheh :P Hope you enjoyed the crazy amount of abs, arms, jawlines and sexy photos!


cr: images and videos do not belong to me

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@ 8:03 PM | 0 Comments

Disclaimer: These are ALL my own opinions (obviously) and if you don't agree...sorry but no one has the same taste in guys right? Also, my ranking pretty much changes based on when groups are promoting or whenever they appear on different shows so don't be surprised if I give you a totally different answer when you ask me another day.

2. Leejoon (MBLAQ)
Down to the last 2! This guy...sigh. I wonder why he still bothers with clothes. Just walk around topless goddamnit! I mean, look at those abs! PEW PEW!

And those arms too. PEW PEW PEW!

Not only that, we cannot forget that amazing back!

With this body, why bother right?
Did I mention that the MV for Y is my ultimate favourite? I think you can guess why (;

I'm not done with his sexiness yet though. Oh no I'm not. There is still that jawline of his,

that PONYTAIL(♥♥),

and the way he dances. Oh dancers .

He looks good in glasses too!

And I have to say, I love all his guyliner moments. I would wear those looks. Actually would. I think the blue look has to be my favourite.

But don't let these looks decieve you! He is actually such a strange, awkward child

who loves showing off his ballerina (LOL) past.

He even ripped his pants because of that. :'D Oh Joooooon!

He also is quite the funny but caring dad.

I just love this guy to bits! ♥ To sum up my love for him, here is a video of him dancing to SNSD's Genie. Surprise surprise (seriously)! Scaring you for life.


cr: images and videos do not belong to me

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